Pokahontas McGuigan

its insulting because if you have a counter argument then make it and let the argument speak for itself. you dont know if "i know what im talking about" until i make my rebuttal. saying i dont know what im talking about before hearing me out is incredibly condescending and arrogant. if you disagree then say you

but seriously though, die in a fire

yes! worst part about the collection, they are soo bad!

i hope they release a japanese language track DLC like lightning returns, which was the coolest thing they have done since KH2 btw, (not LR, releasing voice dlc :P)

i wish there was a pc version

i wish that was a real movie :(

i didnt know wolfenstein was coming out or existed, and this confirms that doom 4 is coming in at least 2 years :) nice surprise

throwing the controller when you lose, my friends douche bf does that cuz hes the worst

japan seems to have a lot of cool limited promo restaurants and cafes (not to mention the cool permanent ones too), jealous

nope, assless chaps means anything goes :P

building 19, walk rite out the front door with a loading platform of stolen merch and no one would say a thing

also amnesia a machine for pigs, lame story, lame monsters, dull levels, not scary, induces disappointment
final fantasy xiii, cool story, ancient battle system (i know its new but its a huge step back from XII), NO TOWNS

dont think of it as segregation. power morphicon dosent segregate kamen rider, PR is just the theme of the con, sometimes you feel more comfortable chillin with your rangers without some kamen rider fan giving you shit about power rangers. (metaphor explanation: gay people = power rangers, kamen rider = disgruntled

if you wanna stop the spread get rid of the heteros making them :P

im goin on the information presented, she literally jumped the gun and she needs to take responsibility, and the GZ thing was fucked up, even if the kid started shit and straight up punched him in the face for no reason, he was completely unarmed and alone from what i heard so GZ should have done at least 2 years

she should lose her job permanantly and face manslaughter charges

and the chick that had her boobs where her belly is because they placed them to low lol

the witcher 1, the combat was so clunky and unintuitive and really ruined what could have been a fantastic game

they insulted me for no reason which mae me lose respect for him and i dont need to be respectful to the person after they treat me like that. he is a piece of shit for insulting me instead of focusing on the facts.

its easier to walk up to a stranger and try and make a romantic connection at a con like this because, as a gay dude; it sucks that i dont know who is gay and who isnt. at least if you hit on a straight guy at gaygamer he will be understanding as opposed to hitting on an average joe at E3 who would probably call you a