Pokahontas McGuigan

fine, kotaku didnt create the list, but can you guys try and make it more apparent in the headline when its mainly a video

kotaku, PLEASE TYPE YOUR LISTS! if they are interesting enough then i will watch the accompanying video

Blame a homogeneous population. Blame a broken English education system. Blame intrinsic differences between the languages. For whatever reason, English is extremely difficult for most Japanese—and thus, many people simply lack confidence to use it. (Heck, my kids struggle with English.) So, I dunno about complaining

you insult with no explanation or example, go back to xbox call of duty where your meaningless obnoxious insults will fit right in with all the other people who are mentally 11 years old.

youre probably right, it just didnt seem like a legitimate source.

yes because you are soo damn profound

nothing can convince me as thoroughly as an anonymous forum users hearsay...

i promise not to use the private tab or the clear history button, i promise not to have 2 different facebook accounts, and i promise that i wont post any naked selfies

its gotta be the best upscale ive seen

when i played burnout paradise it said i could upscale to 1080 but i had to go into the options menu and do it manually and it looked like crap. i didnt think mgs4 was upscaled because it launched in 1080 and looked a million times better than 1080 ps3 burnout

dont tell me i have no idea what im talking about, if you work long and hard enough and properly allocate resources then it is possible to get a game like mgsV GZ (definitely not TPP though) running in 1080. if you disagree with me than do it respectfully you piece of shit

oh i thought it was 1080p because the back of the box said 1080p and it displayed at 1080p on my tv. i guess my tv was lying?

umm no it wasnt. yea the environments werent that big but it was definitely in 1080p and quite beautiful on my tv. maybe theres some behind the console info that i dont know but i know for a fact that i payed it in 1080p on my tv and thought it was beaut

Is probably not a coincidence that its red either. Dont forget to tuck it up in your waistband mr megazord

Im surprised the ps3 version is 720p when mgs4 was 1080p. Im sure they coild have gotten it working, they just didnt wanna put in the effort, and i dont blame them

i thought there were 4 movies, one for each season? or are they gonna announce a fourth movie at a later date that has all the secret post game stuff. by the way do you think they will animate "the answer" starring aigis?

When you cant win an arguement with logic, resort to petty insults of my grammar knowledge.

and blatantly saying that i should be "proud" of watching a trailer analysis is ironic.

the video is over the top in the sense that a group of people had nothing better to do than to watch a trailer over and over to dissect all of the tidbits of information when they could have just waited for the game to be released and play it first hand, or waited until official information was released about the

im such a loser i cant believe i watched that whole thing