AHH thank you! He is in the show on Netflix called Salem, he plays Increase Mather! I have a hard time hating his character cause he is so pretty lol. Yeah Fashion Santa has nothing on him ;)
AHH thank you! He is in the show on Netflix called Salem, he plays Increase Mather! I have a hard time hating his character cause he is so pretty lol. Yeah Fashion Santa has nothing on him ;)
Those no-look passes are seriously incredible. As one of the most uncoordinated people on the planet, he seems like a god lol
I always love anything that praises good fathers, we don’t get enough of that in society :) Beautiful family! I might actually watch some basketball now.
I never watch basketball, but now I swear I will watch his team play. I think what I like about him is that it’s not always him taking the shots, he seems to be passing at setting up just as much as making great shots. a great sportsman, nice to see :)
WHO IS THIS? I just watched something with him in it, can’t remember what it was, I think he was an asshole in whatever it was. It’s been bothering me because I can’t remember the show/movie and I don’t know his name lol. Smoking hot though, 10/10 would do.
This left me feeling v. confused. Like, when I started scrolling, I was a solid yes. Then he started looking more like a hipster douche-bro so then I started losing it. Crotch shot in underwear with Mrs. Doubtfire hair made it a hard pass. I would take a flannel shirt wearing, non-fashion Santa with an awesome beard…
That header pic is fucking terrifying. It represents how I have felt during these last few months of Trump insanity. I want to look away, but I keep peeking through my fingers in horror at it.
Those lyrics are my Bio on my facebook page lol.
Ugh yes I am 29 and turn 30 in April. For some reason, 29 was awful. The idea of 30 isn’t even scary, I am actually looking foward to it. But this last birthday was a doozy, and I have never cared about age. Also, your screen name cracks me up and I love it :)
YES!!! This needs to happen lol
Crazy right? It’s all I ever picture when I see him lol
Yes! I just made it to season 2, I really like it! Can’t believe it’s taken me this long to get around to watching it. I am so in love with Duchovny in it it’s ridiculous lol
That’s exactly how I am too. I have never been swayed by looks. If your personality sucks, I can’t go there.
God I love Vikings so much. Never have I watched a show and been atracted to like ever single male character, all for different reasons. Athelstan is adorable, but I can’t handle all his religious stuff. I know it’s relevant to the history but meh. Then there is sexy, smoldering Ragnar, that a simple glance with those…
Omg I just started watching X Files on Netflix and was so excited to see him in that episode lol<3 <3
Bob Saget is sexy af.
Kanaan is slightly annoying, but I have a feeling he will loosen up eventually. Once I found out Freddie Prinze Jr does his voice, I liked him more haha.
There are no words to describe the joy I felt when I found out about captain Phasma (what a fucking kick ass name) being played by the stunning Gwendoline Christie! Seems like there are a ton of awesome female roles in this. I am also a huge Star Wars nerd and watched all of the animated Clone Wars and am currently…
I came here to post my outrage at the stupidity, but I am literally speechless. Just when I think they can’t outdo themselves...