
Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. I've also seen where they launch at a much higher rate of speed... assuming that the faster you get it in the water, more of the bottom is in to hold it afloat... I'm thinking that they just plain didn't know what they were doing.

Those aren't sandbags. they are filled with air. I've seen them used when a vessel has been grounded for one reason or another. They jack the vessel high enough to allow the deflated bag to be pulled under the vessel. Once all bags are in place they air them up raising the vessel off the ground and allowing the

I can see that. But it's not like they are taking your 50K and just sticking it in a vault and paying a couple strong arms to stand guard. They take your 50K and your neighbors 50K and their neighbors 50K and use it to invest in other things that makes them a ton more loot than the measly interest rate they're

"You Can Detect Radiation with a Freaking iPhone Now" uhhh, no you can't... you can detect radiation with Scosche's RDTX, which sends it's findings to DISPLAY on the iPhone.

Prime reason why you do not move an HDD from classed to unclassed and then back... at least without performing a 7 layer wipe

I was able to move it to my SD after installing.

Had an issue upgrading on my Dx, had to uninstall the old version and then install this one.

I'm not sure I follow. If you're talking about the risk of the bank going under and taking my money with it. Then, yeah not worried about it. You have a higher chance of getting into an accident, but yet I decided to drive everyday. The risk of me getting into an accident, causing my insurance premiums to go up,

Phone Power ... catch it at the right time, and you can pay for the first year in full and get the second fee except for fees. Works out to less than $12 a month, the adapter they give you has a "two line" setup. You can make/ receive a call on one port while the other port in currently in a call (no extra charge).

At least you get something, even if it is frivolous, in return. We keep our money at the banks, the banks use our money to make themselves money, and then want to charge us on top of that?

Odd, it shows for me. I even checked that config and it's set to true.

Even a blind squirrel gets a nut every once in a while.

If you think washing your clothes in cold water is better, try using cold water in your bath/ shower for the next week. At the end, tell me how clean you feel.

All lenses are SN'ed. When pictures are taken, the SN for the lens is attached to the photo. I'm pretty sure there is an app, or a web site that will allow you to search for a specific SN embedded with a picture.

I concur... I feel the same way about products using 'i'... Most notably Toyota's "i-Force" ARRRGGHHHH!!!

Dude, I'm glad I'm not the only one.... I was going nuts trying to figure out why I couldn't remember those couple of weeks!

American, maybe, American Government - highly doubt it. With the amount of money the government would spend on something like that, it would be a bit more professionally constructed and painted.

All this chit chat....

Aww man, I missed that. Now that's just wrong right there.