
I know right?!? Mine sits vertical full time, less of a chance one of the kids are going to knock it over.

It's USB powered, there is no flash memory built in.

I really doubt these are meant to be worn during combat. Can you imagine some soldier thinking, "Man, that RPG explosion just blew a massive whole in the road, I should TwitPic that... ahhh man! my cell is dead, better get out my solar panel to charge my phone up."

"...he doesn't end up owning that house in 3 years." - I'm with ya on that one. Specially since it's been blasted all over the internet, I'm sure someone will find a loop hole in his loop hole.

That was the first thing that I was I thinking, someone must have "ownership" of the property. If someone else owns the property how can he claim ownership of the property? It makes sense that the original mortgage company would have sold off the property. But to who? Seems like with all the research he did he

I agree, this pamphlet is one-sided. It's like Apples to Oranges.

I hate Effin pumps... though if you check out some of the liquid to foam pumps - their tubes actually hit and bend on the bottom of the container .

"If he wants the house, buy the house like everyone else had to, get the money, buy the house" - Hmmm who is he buying the house from ? The mortgage company? it went under. The previous owner? they were foreclosed on. Bitter B, thumbs up to the man!

He's a squatter, not the owner. Only the homeowner will owe property taxes. After three years, when he possibly could take possession - then he'll have property taxes.

Okay, so maybe not neccessarily using 1%, but leaving a ~1% balance on the account works. Generally a credit card company is going to report your balance at the end of your billing cycle when they send you a bill. So with that in mind you can gauge your payments accordingly. A company that pulls your report and sees

Actually posting yourself would add to the posts in the stream, and you never know ... might just strike up a response.

Actually, utilizing about 1% of your available credit helps you more in recovering and maintaining a better credit rating. I shows responsibility. I recently looked at a "prospective" credit rating through one of Equifax's tools. It allows you to see where your credit potentially could be at when you adjust your

In reply to your last statement. I think that it's a good thing. Maybe it'll push people more to realize and understand just who can see what you put on here. You see a couple creepers looking at you (and you don't like it), you are bound to turn and walk the other way (start not making everything so public).

I did it for mine, she has no clue what it is, but she has an account. You're welcome honey.

That's exactly what I'm thinking... I have a great project for a retaining wall... and I was with you when I though these were full sized... thinking of how I could make a cast...

I'm the one who irons in my household. And I don't get this. I don't see any huge benefits of this design. I like the idea of being able to slide the arms over, but there isn't a need for both at the same time. I would much rather have a resemblance of the typical ironing board... but with a smaller "smaller"

They don't technically "own" your data. The same thing happened with FB and their TOS. Dropboxes TOS is technical jargon that states they have the right to advertise and distribute your files you have uploaded to their servers. This doesn't mean that they are going to do that with everything that you upload, giving

This is if you knew it was on the MBR if you even knew it was there at all. Had a couple guys at work that had MBR infections. They had no clue, but knew something wasn't right with the machines. After doing multiples scans and coming up empty handed they came to me. I pop the drive into an external bay, and WaLa!

I don't want to go into too much detail. [en.wikipedia.org] That's where the perineum is... @Acemonster 's picture shows that there is a void in the seat where the perineum would come into contact with the seat. So I don't think it's as much about the nose hitting the perineum (unless you sit directly on it) but

Awesome thought... seriously. That could be an option for the pad... like Scramble Everytime/ Standard Pattern/ Custom Pattern (So you could put the digits where you want them) Hell, who says that have to be numbers... make it so you could create your own Alpha-Numeric Unlock Pad...