
Someone needs to come up with a lock screen that scrambles all of the numbers into a random pattern each you go to unlock the phone. I have seen personnel RFID badge entry keypads that do that.

It's still sex... if you prefer it only in a bed after a proper courtship... then you just might be one of those sex/beer snobs that can't appreciate that there are different levels of quality.

Ask Comcast customers... I didn't realize I did until it was mentioned by a co-worker... so I checked it, and sure enough 250GB... I stream Netflix, run a web/ ftp server, and with the combination of of 5 laptops, a PS3, a Wii and two DS's... I'm no where close (no I'm not the only one using those - 4 other members of

And belts undone ... and I don't recall seeing underwear anywhere.

I have a 7, 6, & 2 yr old boys... you had me LOL at 'Shake Shake'

Back up for me ... for now.

Northern VA, can't load


And just under 2 years later it's featured on Lifehacker ?!? awesome

I am almost 99.9% sure I saw this exact video sometime last year... or even maybe the year before that. :/

Even if it was totaled, he still might have a ride outta there.

Even if it totaled, he still might have a ride outta there.



indeed, I did

@4:25, dude in red plaid, is he an intern?

Dude proved he was doing 35 when the trap said he was doing 50. I'm sure he's not the only one, but probably the only one that is getting hit as much as he is because of his store's delivery service. And it's most likely not him, but his store (deliveries). Links in previous comments take you to about as much as

So what you're saying is... he should pay the fines for tickets that he shouldn't have gotten in the first place (apparently the trap doesn't appear to working correctly), and start driving slower?

That's funny. You would think they would know that. I mean a kid can crack the PS3 encryption code but doesn't realize what you just said!