
My sister died in the spaghetti…

And what is he doing with his fingers?

Stranger Things and Super Mario Odyssey on the same day? Hell yes.

The trailer also had one of those weirdly timed moments where a character says something like "Oooooh…awkwaaaard." (In this case, it was "Ooooh…busteeeed.")

I couldn't even tell you. It seems as though the very function of the Goldberg machine is to make the pictures appear in her line of sight. So it's either part of Henry's disturbingly prescient plan, or the result of a screenwriter looking for an easy way to defuse conflict. Either way, it's hilarious.

Yes. Henry's Rube Goldberg machine appears to exist for two reasons: to make him "lovably quirky" and to serve as a highly implausible Deus Ex Machina.

Another detail from the climax: right as she's about to snipe Sickleman from the treehouse, Susan's arm slips and she activates Henry's Rube Goldberg machine. This culminates in a series of family photographs falling from the ceiling, presumably installed by Henry (and perhaps for this precise moment, given his

That's the Marvel Vault where they keep billions of dollars in box office revenue.

List of things eaten in this episode:
Chicken sandwiches, sunflower seeds, Jamaican food, whatever Earn cooked at home, two blunts

One of my favorite moments was the casual Jerry swap at the end. Especially after the alt-universe stepdad gave the whole speech about Jerry being irreplaceable!