“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”
“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”
I understand it’s a long speech and the clicks come from being first, but please, PROOFREAD.
Whitlock doesn’t publish stories with multiple typos though
This makes sense. Neither candidate gives actually gives a shit about police shootings and he seems like a single issue voter.
Eh. He lives in California. If there is a state to lodge a protest vote/non-vote, that’s the safest one. And it’s not like the Democratic party has a strong track record of addressing the issue he’s been protesting.
We should issue coupons. Every bro vote for Hillary earns a voucher redeemable for five minutes of Active Listening Face from the woman of their choice.
It’s cast in modern English, but casted is still technically acceptable. His views on grammar apparently line up perfectly with his political views.
Why don’t you make like a tree and get the hell out of here?!
Ugh, yes, it’s that “she owes me” thing that rankles most! Fine, hold your nose, close your eyes, do whatever you have to do to vote for the best candidate— but don’t go thinking anybody owes you SHIT, boyfriend!
It’s amazing how many people seem to think that they, specifically, are noteworthy for having misgivings about both candidates in a presidential election. As if most people haven’t felt that way in most elections for all of time. Especially since most people in this country, prior to the past 8 years or so, haven’t…
Really telling how much they enjoy being white men? Yeah. Eye rolling hard (and I’m a fucking deadspin reader!)
Well, then you missed the hissy fitting when they got called out in the comments. Ain’t no hurt feelings like white male privilege hurt feelings.
As I’ve said in the Deadspin/Concourse comments several times at this point: if you truly have nothing to lose in this election, congratulations on your extreme privilege. The rest of us will vote based on what’s at stake for us. (that’s targeted toward the bs in that post, not you, to clarify)
After that incredibly pretentious men in the Article on Deadspin, I really really appreciate this. It’s really telling how the men in that article presented their points....
I got halfway through the Deadspin version (and I usually like them!) before my eyes rolled out of my head and across the floor so I couldn’t read anymore.
Alex Pareene’s self-important explanation for why he may or may not deem voting in a presidential election worthy of his time was the single worst thing I have read this election season.
I wish it was a surprise that all the female staff are upfront about voting for Hillary while a lot of the (mostly white) male staff either aren’t voting for either candidate because they’re not in a contested state or have to “hold their nose” to vote for her.
“Voting is fine, but it’s not enough about me. How can I make it less about other people and more about my perception of myself?”
Marchman’s absolute confidence in PA is interesting. You know who else was confident about PA? Mitt in 2012.