
who is this activist pounding the table and shouting that all sex is rape, though? how common is she? this person only exists as a strawperson in peoples' imaginations. feminists are advocating for consent. whatever this other thing is is a caricature (and a projection) meant to demean a valid and worthwhile cause.

no they're not, and i know that, which is why i'm saying that she was crazy levels of famous among other people, and it was a legitimate, global fame. i can't really stand her right now (or really, ever, to some degree, even though i enjoy a couple of her songs ) and this is making me sound like i'm mounting some

i was there w/ya until that made this b famous part. taylor was fuckin huge. maybe not with every crowd, but she was one of the biggest stars in the damn world. young white girls buy a lot of music…

let's see…diminishing the trauma of rape with derailing comparison to murder, refocusing attention to cercei, a woman, slapping jamie, a man (yes, equivalent violence, i'm sure)….i smell an MRA. you folks are just the worst. in all of your (disturbing) complaints that the article pays too much attention to rape (just