Well then, Jeremy Bradford is an idiot, because he could accomplish the same thing while riding in an RV, eating cheeseburgers. Sucker.
Well then, Jeremy Bradford is an idiot, because he could accomplish the same thing while riding in an RV, eating cheeseburgers. Sucker.
Clearly unintentional — He just doesnt have the core strength to stop his arm from flailing into Lebron’s testicles.
That’s a rather disingenuous assessment. The Kings had FOUR straight losing seasons (including 17 wins in 08-09 and 25 wins in 09-10) before drafting Cousins in 2010. Their winning tradition ended LONG before he got there.
Counterpoint: Nah.
So what? My fucking kids had an abusive childhood, too, and do you see them begging for attention? (No, seriously, have you seen them? I’ve been drunk all week and have no idea where they are.)
To be fair, while his running story is utter and complete bullshit, to drive an RV cross country at only 9mph is an impressive feat in itself.
What if I told you they were $120, would you have an issue then?
That’s not how cognitive dissonance works, though. I’ve never had cheese, therefore I don’t miss it. I couldn’t care less about it, much as you probably couldn’t care less about how, I dunno, moon rocks taste.
This is just awful. The lack of awareness and professionalism is astounding. Why the fuck would you shoot a video with a large window right behind their heads, especially on a sunny day?
Not to be offensive, but you must be pretty sheltered if this surprises you .
C’mon! We all know there’s a certain truth in stereotypes. Irish people like to drink. Romulans are logical but cunning. Hobbits love to eat and are lazy. Hutts are shady and hold grudges. And Manticores become temperamental after sprouting their wings.
I mean this woman sucks, but don’t knock Barstool for it. If you follow Barstool, you know that these 3 guys do a lot of good, put out a lot of funny content, and understand the line between satire, not being politically correct, and racism. This woman clearly saw her Barstool Rundown invitation as some license to…
On the bright side, she’ll be putting those waitressing skills to use again soon enough.
But you don’t get to eat cheese. What’s even the point of life at that point?
Thank god this isn’t true. I want to get great at sex, but having it 600,000 times seemed daunting.
“It seems that Gladwell didn’t really understand what he was talking about.”
what is the point of this post? this book came out 8 years ago and people have been calling bullshit for 8 years. is this your summer book report?
Delivery Beef Tartare.
Ordering delivery ceviche sounds like a great way to rapidly lose weight. Just probably not in the way this article intended.
This is so nanny-state I thought it was written by Al Gore instead of Bill Bradley.