Pog Whistle

I’ve run a lot of 10ks and a few half marathons, you can always tell the losers because they complain about the course conditions, other runners etc. I’m just thinking, hey assholes, finishing 176/500 instead of 179/500 isn’t leading to a Wheaties box.

The proof he was running the whole thing was in WTC Building #7

I think it’s a rough paraphrase of Lincoln.

Based on what I've seen, the advanced stats say he's good and his teammates suck. So the argument is that he either stealthily makes his teammates suck or is poisoning their food.

Ahem, Kentucky?

I don't agree with you, but you present a good argument.

On the bright side, no risk of my tax dollars being spent on these.

Yeah, I’d rather wear boring “dad shoes” than some looney tunes moon shoes. But paying $120 for walking around sneakers is ridiculous. That's what I pay for running shoes.

I mean, the two guys on the left are Jewish. I think they saw that things had gone too far and just did a bad job of digging out. The one guy, Dan Katz, aka Big Cat, is a really funny guy. Most of their “writers” suck, but he’s worth listening to. His Monday morning NFL roundup is hysterical.

I mean, the subject she was talking about, Ms. 4.5 GPA (off subject: is tweeting your GPA not considered gauche anymore? I had a 4.0 in college and only told close friends and family, so idk), also did something pretty stupid to herself.

I mean if you can’t give a hot take or even make a joke without going for “[minority group] is supposed to be stupid, right? DERP!!” sure, but the other three guys managed to talk about it without sounding like David Duke.

That is offensive, Eduardo Perez is a stupid fucking Puerto Rican, not Cuban.

The way I see it, she should be suspended, but not fired for this. I don't think she was being malicious, just stupid. And honestly someone like her just shouldn't go on the Barstool Rundown, especially sitting in the room with those dudes. She was in over her head and went full retard. But I don't think she's a

To be fair, Deadspin is being pulled down by Gawker and other affiliate sites that are shit (and not just with the Hulk stuff). Hopefully it can survive in some form after the tear down.

You can only be racist if you're funny, which is why women can't be racist. I probably could have just written that in logic symbols and then it wouldn't even offend any women.

I wanted to do this, but I don’t know how, probably because I'm shy of 10,000 hours of Internet commenting.

It sounds like you’ve made the best out of a bad situation through cognitive dissonance, but dude, cheese is one of God’s greatest gifts. If I had to choose between cheese and chocolate, I'd give up chocolate. If I had to choose between cheese and beer, I'd drink wine.

This is like being grateful you can't drink because then you can't get hangovers.

No, it wasn't. Are you feeling ok? Might be time for a nap.

You don't try that hard. Which is fine, just don't be a mealy mouthed pussy about it.