team buttersidedown

I really want to see her response to this. There are few that can pull off a decent "NO. Fuck you and your shit" glare better than Kanzlerin Merkel. You don't get to photoshop out one of the most powerful people in Europe just because she has a vagina. Merkel is a BAMF through and through, and she always seems to

In revenge for your father I have killed every potted plant I have ever owned. Courage!

I want to like your point, but I'm also so sick of people making excuses for religious fundamentalism. In general, we have this idea that religious fundamentalism is cute and idealistic as long as the people keep to themselves and take care of one another. In actuality, religious fundamentalism is incredibly harmful.

These ads are great. I noticed a disturbing trend in wedding-related ads when planning my wedding last year, though. I would see gay couples (awesome!) represented but not multiracial couples in bridal magazine ads and on stationary sites like Wedding Paper Divas (not so cool). Where did all the multiracial couples in

Dude, put a ring on it! He's beautiful!

In fairness, Arizona State would have been #1 if the site's name was easier to spell.

It's not a fictional character, though. It's actually me, and every other trans person. That's why the character is even onscreen, and why we're having this discussion in this article here. Trans men and women are real people, and we matter. Getting our gender right is the point. I get your gender right, so have the

Unfortunately I don't think you can expect most people to know technical terms like "misgendered", but she could have written something like "a transgender woman who came out to her family after living her whole life as a man".

As a former professional jewelery peddler, I can confess to buying a teeny diamond and gold cross. And then I used it on a handmade pearl rosary for my Nan because she's never had anything nice in her life, like, ever. And at the time, I could afford it and it was important to me that she got it.

Maybe their manufacturing practices have declined in quality? When was that see-through pants debacle?

She was a tiresome, anachronistic, romance novel creation. In reality, she would have married the awful millionaire, gave him a couple of kids, figured out how to blackmail him into have a well-funded separate but still-married life or divorced him with grounds and gotten a settlement.

Who would have thought that in 2015 the Playboy Mansion, with that resident decrepit old lech, is still a thing! Huh!

Jia—will you do a story dedicated to people saying "it's not fair!" in the most ridiculous of situations?

This lipstick makes her look hypoxic.

Doesn't this look like a Project Runway create your own fabric challenge?

Isn't Gabrielle Union, like 45 years old? How do all of her pics look like she's 18?

It's nice to see that David Duchovny is still effing fine and it wasn't just all the teenage hormones talking back in 1997.

Maybe its because I ignore anything she says outside of a film but I have such a soft spot for GOOP. She looks amazing.

Dateline tells me to wipe down the hotel remote with bleach before using it because of all the fecal matter, but Lena Dunham tells me to motorboat that ass. Mixed messages, yo.

It's weird that people want to put Aziz into the Muslim box even if he is atheist. Like being Muslim is part of his ethnic make-up. He's ethnically Indian. Nationality, American. Belief or non-belief system: Atheist.