I was just thinking, “ok, apparently fish-tail braids are SUPER TRENDY in the fundy Mormon sect this season.”
I was just thinking, “ok, apparently fish-tail braids are SUPER TRENDY in the fundy Mormon sect this season.”
The right truly is being fed a different narrative, and it’s frustrating when you want to have a conversation about anything beyond the weather or local sports team with your coworkers, but really great for the rest of the country in general. Just think of Karl Rove having a meltdown after Obama beat Romney. The right…
That is incredibly cool, though you probably realize that. Admiration from an anonymous internet person to you.
That’s good. I don’t mean to imply there’s something wrong with plastic surgery, just the idea of your manager/producer “gifting” surgery.
So, my hairdresser was telling me that Iggy’s multiple plastic surgeries were “gifts” to her by her soon to be husband. I know that’s not exactly a super legit reference, but the woman does hear gossip from her customers pretty much all day and is more up on this than me. Is this true? If it is, then now I just if…
That part of the book really firmed up my 8 year old feminism.
I loved that statement too. Paul Ryan quotes consistently have me yelling at my radio during my commute. He’s just so brazenly full of bullshit.
I love this! It’s a vibe I think I should be pulling off at work.
Goldie Hawn looks exactly like her character in Protocol in this clip. Someone who wasn’t a little kid when that movie came out: she wasn’t acting? Is that character simply who Goldie Hawn is? Kate Hudsom makes so much sense to me now.
So much of Mark Ruffalo’s appeal to me is his version of Bruce Banner. I truly don’t get why, but his Bruce Banner does things for me. I just want to protect him and the hulk from General Ross so hard. Need to find fanfiction of Bruce Banner finding love...Ooh, Bruce/Captain America slash! I dig it.
Those of you in the Seattle area: The Storyville Coffee roasters and cafes that have popped up around town? I know of two downtown, one in Pike’s. Those were founded by the Mars Hill people and funnel money toward the megachurch. I know, it’s a pity because the cafes are beautifully designed. But, just FYI.
You know what gets to me? There used to be an underground system to help get women to safe abortion providers before Roe v Wade. According to Backlash by Susan Faludi, that system was staffed partially by ministers, who were trying to save the lives of young women. Fuck you “pro-life” nut jobs.
Elizabeth Warren is the BAMF we all want strive to be, her and the Notorious RBG.
Honestly, I think they’ll endorse Bloomberg (if he enters the race) and the Republican Party will shift to something new, even if it keeps the Republican name. It happened several times in the past few centuries.
So...it’s getting even more Fascist? The press is starting to take Trump seriously, and he responds by cracking down on them?
Wow, thank you for sharing this. Damn it, MAC.
Femininity and Masculinity are a performance which we all perform to some degree. The ability to choose what you want to perform creates acceptance for women, men, gay, straight, cisgender, and transgender. Recognizing that a person’s gender does not always agree with their sex and that gender is not a binary is an…
That’s a very good point. I was being judgy and thinking it was too ordinary, but then realized that it’s perfect for her age group and aesthetic. Think it would be pretty great if I could get my mom to wear’s Caitlyn Jenner’s lipstick shade, but that won’t happen.
I just find that sad.
That made me laugh so much! It also made me embarrassed that I didn’t realize it was comedy at the time.