
You’re correct about the “not going away soon” part at least - only because the that slice of the unhinged right is so obsessed with the thought that they’re the ones being discriminated against that they’ll never let it drop. It will be a little fly buzzing around the Disney elephant that we’ll easily come to ignore.

She can be replaced in a second and wasn’t really that critical to the plot.

Exactly. And Allen’s movies are a great argument for why that separation is (in my view) fundamentally impossible, as he has an unusually obvious footprint of identity on pretty much every movie he’s ever made.

This is the way.

Next film shoot with Gina Carano should be interesting, unless Disney gets their shit together and cans her crazy ass. 

Boomers think the slightest whiff of criticism of their beloved culture—most of which they weren’t even personally responsible for—is blasphemy. No one in history has ever sniffed their own farts with the blind devotion that they do.

The problem with most of Murphy’s shows, and I say this as someone who’s actually a fan of most of these shows, is that he comes across as Dollar Store John Waters who’s trying too hard to shock and offend people with things that just aren’t very shocking or offensive anymore.

1-800-DOCTORB! The B is for bargain!

I actually have the opposite complaint - I loved the melodrama and camp and lush settings; I get that it’s a stylistic choice that not everybody will like but I was there for it. What I didn’t like was that Murphy didn’t seem able to fully commit to the camp and tried to rehabilitate the Ratched character like 2/3rds

I’m beginning to think that one of the main draws of evangelical Christianity is the ability to shift the blame to Satan whenever you do something shitty.

it’s the most aggressively charming thing i’ve ever seen on tv.

“I'm not here to roast Bob Saget. I'm here to fuck John Stamos."

this is tamisha iman erasure

Uggghhhh.... “Shameless” just got the message it needs to wrap up, “True Blood” should heed said message and stay dead after wearing out its welcome.

Soooo... Feckless cunt is still feckless.

You’ll Never Guess What Spread at the Swingers Convention in New Orleans

Obama is right.

He’s not wrong, though. “Defund the Police,” snappy as it might be, is a vast oversimplification of what that plan often entails (depending on who you ask)—redistributing funds to services that the police shouldn’t be involved with to begin with, like welfare checks and mental illness interventions.  Yes, explaining

This is the correct move. Nick Kroll got a bunch of his friends together to make funny voices and tell dick jokes. That it has grown up and become successful must be a wonderful surprise to everyone. But success comes with new responsibilities, and it seems they’re acknowledging them with this change. Good for them

you can read online that her persona was chosen by lawyers and agents, don’t compare her to David Bowie.