When you mock the grammatical errors of a menu abroad, you don’t sound cute or clever.
When you mock the grammatical errors of a menu abroad, you don’t sound cute or clever.
Needed more runway puns.
My husband and I took my sister to her first drag show this past Christmas at the Rose Room in Dallas where Miss Asia O’Hara came out doing a showgirl/burlesque routine to a sultry jazzy version of Kylie’s “Slow.” I was already in love with her just for that.
I heard “inner sabbatoir” which sounds like an inner slaughterhouse where you just keep killing your dreams and any sense of self-esteem over and over and over again.
Agreed that so-called “fans” should not be coming for Kameron; I don’t agree with her making top four, but I’m more agged at RuPaul and the producers than I am at any queen competing.
Hating on someone because your favorite Judy didn’t make it is childish A/F.
Hey Kate! Thanks for filling in for Oliver again. Now onto the THOTS:
This is a lovely sentiment, but patently false. Not everyone is loved, or appreciated. On behalf of the frequently suicidal, people should know that these types of empty, blanket platitudes make us want to die MORE. Suicidal people are frequently stark, frank, realists who are unable or unwilling to view the world…
Yeah. So much of the EU... it’s bad. So. bad.
Just what did these superfans want, anyway?
Best Christian film? Life of Brian.
“George Washington was racist Bill Clinton is a sexist asshole who took advantage of his intern, these are facts.”
For added realism, at least one of the ships should have been called Sunny McSunface.
Using the name “Icarus 2" instead of calling one of the ships “Daedalus” is getting into want-the-mission-to-fail territory.
Absolutely. Reid’s entire MO is to apply her homophobia, transphobia, and so on, to figures who are insufficiently sympathetic for her audience to care enough about to object to being treated that way. Back when she was writing her shitty blog, that meant attacking Charlie Crist. In 2017, it meant attacking Chelsea…
I don’t care how crass or bat-shit her blog postings were. If nothing genuinely current and disrupting is happening with her leave her alone. People want this Black woman to lose her job and career. I don’t.
Because it never really *was* about “respecting our troops” or “respecting our anthem.” They just hate to see black men protesting during their “Murica/football/fuck ya!!” jerk fest.
Well they wanted a show that portrayed trump supporters, and they sure as hell got that! Lol.