Poetic Stanziel

It's not a bad series, it tends towards contrivance to always get the ex-wives into every plot … but this episode was contrived and then some. Not Trophy Wife's best effort. A C+.

Leslie Riker. Not taking the offer to command her own starship in Chicago.

This was at best a C episode. The Amy/Raj pairing was terrible, the most cringe-worthy aspects of their personalities showcased. The Leonard/Penny pairing was just more of the same, basically Leonard being a pussy for some pussy. And who wants to see Sheldon and Howard getting along, even if it won't last.

Martha just annoys me. I'd love it if the writers could just remove her from the show altogether.

The issue of TV sitcom babies growing up far too quickly. Next year he'll be in kindergarten.

I always found Jesus' unibrow to be disconcerting and distracting in this film.

This sounds like something that plays to Shia LeBeouf's strengths as a screenwriter.

But to only have the moment when she is killed seems unrealistic. There would have been video before and after.

Your girlfriend is a terrible person. How do you sleep peacefully at night? She is a Sword of Damocles hanging over you.

If the end of the series doesn't show the downfall of Frank and Claire Underwood, this will be a failure of a series. The only acceptable end resolution to House of Cards has to be ala Breaking Bad and The Shield.

I'll just assume that he hadn't planned to kill her in the subway terminal, and rather just took the opportunity that presented itself in the moment.

The Zoe murder is super problematic. Why is there only video showing the death? Why no video showing Zoe leaning up against the fence talking to herself? Why no video of the fedora man leaving the construction area? Or entering it? I don't recall any talk of Stamper removing all but 15 seconds of the video.

Fuck off. Far from it. The Canadian coverage will actually show matches between non-Canadian countries if its going to be a good match. During the summer Olympics you'd get to see an entire Brazil/Argentina volleyball match, simply because the word was it was going to be fantastic. Not in a million years would NBC

In Canada we disown the fuck out of you if you start competing for another nation. (see Brett Hull).

"Then she came out to me pretty hard."

Rushmore -> The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou -> The Royal Tenenbaums -> Moonrise Kingdom -> The Fantastic Mr. Fox -> Bottle Rocket -> The Darjeeling Limited

Stray Dog is another favourite Kurosawa of mine and no samurai swords. Just a missing gun.

Okay grandpa. Thanks for stopping in.

Darabont has never been any good. The Green Mile and The Shawshank Redemption are testament to this. Both are saccharine, and the drama and emotion in those films are built-up through manipulative music.

For fuck's sake. Stop mentioning the damned twist that was edited out of the pilot if you're not going to explain what that twist was. Link to it or explain it for Christ's sake.