
As someone who actually watched the special, and actually paid attention to what was being said, his entire point was that minority groups as a whole, but the LGTBQ more so, don’t want to engage in conversation, or mutual understanding, they don’t want to debate or see where anyone else is coming from.

They want to be

You don’t just call out racism though.

You treat every criticism, every disagreement, and anything that is less than blind support and praise as equating to racism. You segregate yourselves, either onto sites like theroot, or by saying things like “black twitter” as if you’re not part of a global platform with 200

Why wouldn’t anyone want a database of misconduct COMPLAINTS?

Are you kidding?

There has never, ever been a criminal who responds to arrest by saying “yup, my bad” Least of all, the disproportionate rate of black people whom are criminals.

You planted that
You assaulted me
these cuffs is too tight
i wasn’t doing nothin’


Your feelings, and interpretation on any given subject, are not gospel.

Your feelings, your opinions, do not make you right.

The fact that you choose to be offended, and you infer something to be harmful, means that YOU are internalizing an imagined slight, and demanding that everyone else make you feel better about

70% of the US identifies as being “white”

That means the vast majority of modders in any given game, are likely to be white.

People, by in large want their creations to represent themselves, or at least how they see themselves, or how they aspire to be. They create, design and build things with THEMSELVES IN MIND, and

Two that have been driving me crazy for the past 10 years.

My mother in law has the habit of leaving food sitting out, for HOURS before putting it in the fridge. Meats or stews? Leftovers are stored in the microwave for between 6-12 hours before going into the fridge, soups are left sitting uncovered on the stove for

Maybe stop searching for validation from external sources, because i assure you, the only ones that care have already chosen a letter in that alphabet soup, and the rest of us are just fucking annoyed at this endless stream of labels that attempt to categorize the minutia of irrelevant human foibles in a desperate

But....they aren’t part of your community in any sense that actually matters.

A community is people who actually interact with one another, friends, family, co-workers, neighbors.

Organized religion co-opted the word through the thin veil of “shared beliefs”, even though a church, and its congregation meets the

Yeah....that’s just what’s going to fix everything, more bipartisan bureaucracy.

The police are over extended, everywhere. They have to play protector, mediator, mental health services, emergency services on and on and on, and they’re really only trained, and intended to be one of those things.

Police are meant to

Then maybe, it’s just not for you. Amazing, i know to think that everything in the whole wide world isn’t curated specifically for your individual, and very special tastes, but that’s actually how most things are.

Meg’s character is flipping one of the longest running cliched tropes in TV, no matter how fucked up or

Number one problem? Hardly. Provided the hardware is operating within the normal thermal envelope (PS5 and Xbox are both using ryzen based APU’s which have a safe operating temp up to 95C/203F) it takes many, many years for something like that to happen.

If you’re using said hardware in extremely hot area’s,

Your feelings don’t supersede reality.

Remember Rachel dolezal? She felt like a black woman, she presented herself as a black woman, and lived her life as a black woman. Hell she even looked like a black woman.

But, despite her feelings, and appearance, she was not, a black woman. Not even a little. Whole bunch of

Meanwhile, take a look at the stats for who is committing violent crimes.
13% of the population accounts for 54-60% of gun murders, 80% of nonfatal gun violence, and 35-40% for rape, assault and armed robbery.

Most of those are committed by young black men.

Your children are fucking violent. No, not all of them, hell

Lets just frame it like this:

If you don’t want to get vaccinated, you’re no better than the republican dipshits you can’t stop bitching about. And...

You’re proving everything those same republicans say about you, to be fucking true.

Aside from all the health complications that come from having a population that is

Is it?
Does she?

She’s a compulsive liar, and even if she is telling the truth, seems like she was much more deserving than most.


Perhaps these women understand the grim reality... some women lie, and yes some of them lie about rape, sexual assault and harassment.

In fact per the FBI, 9-12% (depending on the year) of all rape accusations made by women are bullshit. That’s 10's of thousands of false accusations each year, and the current

Why can’t anyone learn to shut the fuck up about their politics?
Keeping in mind, that means shutting the fuck up when you hear someone elses politics that don’t coincide with your own.

The vast majority of individuals in the US can’t figure out how to take care of themselves, and because of that they would rather

When i was 20, i moved to Houston. White kid, shoulder length black hair, black nail polish, dark cloths in August. I had been there about a week when i was walking to a doctors appointment a mile from my apartment, and on the way i felt something in my teeth, so i bent down and looked in the side mirror of a parked

2755 “hate crimes” against blacks.
Out of 42,000,000

Shut the fuck up with your overinflated sense of self importance.
Hate crimes are not on the rise, the only thing that is on the rise is the number of black people who are framing things that they dislike, or offend them, or just make them a little

They’re both trash, for wildly different reasons.
But unfortunately, janet doesn’t even rank in the top 20 best selling artists.
Between 1954-2016 the best selling acts worldwide are