
Hahahah. Good.

Lets see how you whiney, self centered, victim mentality having, everything wrong in my life is your fault, manipulative, bullies like this shit.

No one is more obsessed with race, than black people....and what does that make you? It’s on the tip of my tongue, hmm....
Oh yes.


This is the

Hate to break it to....well everyone, but black people are responsible for a disproportionate amount of ALL violence.

Which is not to say that ALL black people are violent, or criminals.

Just the fact that, statistically, black people commit more violent crime.

Facts, are not racist. Evidence is not racist. You don’t

Then you don’t understand depression. Most people don’t, they confuse being sad, or anything less than excited as being “a little depressed”

Depression, consumes you. For some it leaves you laying in bed in a darkened room, avoiding all contact with the outside world because you’re so unhappy, and insecure that you

You can actually achieve a half decent cup if you put turkish grind into a tea bag (ultra fine grind) Caveat is that you have to put the bag in the pot as the water (or milk/water mix) when you first put it to boil, adhere to the proper coffee to liquid ratio, and once it get to a rolling boil, leave it for another

Garlic knots are traditionally fried, not baked.

you slather a garlic butter mixture on one side, and then fold it over so neither the garlic, nor butter burns in the oil.
Twist into knots, fry for 30-60 seconds, slather more garlic butter mixture over them, eat promptly dipping into fresh basil, oregano, thyme and

Look, it’s a bird! It’s a plane...it’s....oh wait it’s just another bigoted cunt who broadly applies stereotypes to push the narrative that they’re victims in all things and feel superior.

Like most angry black people, you don’t discuss racism because doing so would shine a light on your own.
Fixated on history, obsessed with things that DIDN’T FUCKING HAPPEN TO YOU, and desperate to draw parallels between those events decades or centuries past as being the direct cause of why you didn’t get that job,

The framing of that is the problem that many people have.

“OOO OOO Look at this racist thing that happened 60 years ago, this justifies the accusations and legitimizes the grievances being made today!”
       -Every black person with a victim complex

You know why men don’t want to read jane austin? It’s boring as shit.
It has nothing to do with the fact that it was penned by a woman, men, generally don’t like to endure shit they don’t enjoy, just because their is some presumption that it’s good....much like every fucking one else.

As someone who has spent the past

How could they possibly prove that? Accusations going back 4-7 years, with zero evidence, because there almost never is, particularly in the post #METOOOOO years.

I’m willing to bet that the sexting part is true, but i’m also 99% sure she lied about her ago....probably by about 3 years, because that’s what stupid, star

Is this really surprising to anyone at this point?

Amd motherboards offered bios settings for “core unlock” over a decade ago. They start manufacturing high end parts, because that’s where the money is, but yields tend to decrease the more complex the chip is, especially with new parts on a new node. So as they

When black people use that word constantly, particularly in various forms of artistic expression....stop being surprised or offended when others repeat that word while studying or elevating that piece of artistic expression.

It’s a word. Words aren’t good or bad....the intent attached to them is what’s damaging. Want

Couple of things here....

There is nothing xenophobic about the presumption that when you live or work in another country...that you learn the fucking language. 13% of the US speaks spanish as a first language...and the other 287 million people living in the country catch constant shit from people who presume that it’s

Free college for all would cost $79,000,000,000 a year. This wouldn’t cover Ivy league type universities, but would allow for community colleges and state colleges to be covered by federal funding.

That would entail every single adult in the US paying $329 more in taxes per year

Probably because the majority of violent crime in America is committed by 12% of the population, along with every other variety of low level crime being represented at a disproportionate rate. 

Criminals, do not live within the rule of society.
Thus criminals do not deserve the right to take part in shaping how that society functions.
Actions, have consequences, and when it comes to breaking the law, that consequence is being punished, either with community service, fines or prison time. This is called paying

They aren’t treating them “like” they’re disposable.

They are disposable.

Watching a 20 minute training video doesn’t make you a “skilled worker” all it means is the company has to cover it’s ass by showing that video, on the understanding that the people most likely to work there have no understanding of the most

I sat through every episode of this....show.
It did not make me laugh, i did not crack a smile.
This isn’t funny.
Obnoxious idiot taking real life stupidity to absurd extremes isn’t humor. At the very most, it’s a warning of what direction the lowest rungs of the american population are quickly heading towards.

Teaching history does not, ever, need to include the narrative
Everyone is racist, you’re racist, everything is your fault, and everything you have in your life was obtained due to the unfair advantages granted to you because everything is racist. Except for you black people, whom have never done anything wrong,