
Go fuck yourself.

That is exactly the self centered, childish thinking that has allowed people like Cosby to continue victimizing people for DECADES.

If YOU, are raped or sexually assaulted, and you keep your mouth shut after washing away the evidence, YOU are facilitating the assault of every, single

Plenty of chefs do succeed without culinary school.
The vast majority of them, however, are called “cooks” not chefs. That’s what they are.

Culinary school implies that you’re trained using the french methods. You’re abused into mastering the basics, from which every other recipe is built, and than you’re taught to

No one that is not directly involved in Spears life, meaning anyone outside the courts and her immediate family have no business assuming anything.

She was placed under conservatorship because she had a mental breakdown, one that could be argued happened long before the press took notice of her shaving her head and

Who the fuck cares?

Different places have different palates. Just because a small, tiny, insignificant portion of humanity happens to like something, doesn’t mean that it’s widely enjoyed.

My Aunt grew up in the philippines, one of their “delicacies” is Balut, a fertilized egg, which is then boiled, and eaten WHOLE.


A belief that everyone holds near and dear, up until the point that they themselves have an original idea.

So “as an artist” does that make it alright for someone to take a piece of your art, scan it into a computer, change a couple colors around, print it out and circulate it as “original” or even “fan art”?

Can you take a book that someone else published, copy 99% of it by hand, simply changing the names and locations

I hate to break it to you, but the vaaaast majority of people don’t agree, let alone endorse the overreaching bullshit being touted by “the left” and the fact that the unformed, impressionable minds of children and young adults are being bullied and manipulated into believing that “things have never, EVER, been worse

The key part of that, is “survivors” as in....they lived through the holocaust, and all the horrors therein.

Slavery on the other hand, they’re all dead. Have been for most of a century.

Suffering, is non-transferable.

What job were you doing 20 years ago that paid more than that?

It’s pretty safe to assume it was probably something that actually required some level of skill, experience and knowledge...which is something that no one wants to acknowledge anymore.

Lets take a look at food service.

In 2021 a pound of ground beef costs

Unattainable beauty standard is a meaningless phrase.

Beauty translates into something that is unusual, something unique.

Up until very, very recently (the pas 100-150 years) when the majority of humanity worked 12-18 hours a day, and rarely had enough food to go around because they had 10 kids, the standard of beauty

D cups aren’t big by what standard?

50 years ago, the average weight of men in the US 145-160lbs, and women was 115-130

Today the average weight of men in the US is 198-215, while women are clocking in at 170-188.
overall 70% of the country is overweight, while 40% is obese (100lbs or more overweight) with african

His response was, perhaps blunt, but it kind of needed to be.

The entirety of the ever growing LGTBQ+ acronym represents about 10% of the US population, gays and lesbians make up about 7%, trans folks 0.6%, intersex 1-2%. Gays and lesbians have been OVER represented in TV for the past several years, the current

Hey everyone, i heard Patricia boils puppies alive and makes socks out of their pelts and that she likes to watch interracial revenge porn while she does it!

I mean, i don’t have any proof of this, but a friend heard it from their friends sisters, husbands brothers best friends third cousins blog that it’s totally

Why exactly is that?

The whole point of the game is the fact that synthetics, who were integrated into human life for the sole purpose of being servants. But at a certain point they stopped being machines, and gained awareness.....or at the very least they gained the ability to effectively convey their awareness and

As others have indicated, the issue is the fact that these “fan theories” have been weaponized in a sense. There were numerous “fan theories” surrounding Captain America and Falcon being gay, it didn’t matter that it wasn’t canon, it didn’t matter that it cheapened the idea that two men who are representing the ideal

This is the same mentality that’s driving the manufactured outrage around “Friends”, a show that’s nearly 30 years old, for only consisting of white 20 somethings.

Meanwhile, this same blog has made the claim numerous times that “Living single” is superior, and also “paved the way” for friends to even exist. Yet no one

- someone, somewhere, soon

Guess what? YOU, yes you, do not have the right to be considered, hired, included or even thought about, based solely on your race, gender, religious or political views, or whom you prefer to rub your genitals on.

If your response to not being hired, included or even just being agreed with is

You know why white people are represented so much more?
THEY MAKE UP THE MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION! That’s just the way things are.

So what’s the endgame here? You want every single scenario imaginable to round up some black people to hit that magic 12% number that makes everything even distributed? What about all the

“we just want to live!”
Where’s that concern each and every year that 12% of the population is accounting for 52-60% of gun murders, and 80% of gun violence?
Police kill 400 black people a year
Black people on the other hand kill 7000+ OTHER BLACK PEOPLE a year, and 500+ white people.

Which of course couldn’t have any

Lets review:
Law: Broken
Direction: Ignored
Keeping hands in view: Nope
Political climate towards police: Angry, belligerent blacks

Shut the fuck up with your stupid bullshit. If this happened to any other color of the rainbow, your hypocritical ass would not give a shit, and we know this because the leading demographic