
As always, the fact that anyone takes what this guy says seriously at all is due to a legitimate and organic occurrence being taken to idiotic extremes by the left.

Ya see, when you have dumb fuck SJW and internet writers, tolling through history 5, 10 or 30 years in the past to....say i don’t know, call out 10 year

The thing is....she’s not transphobic.

Transphobic is a word that is used to describe anything and everything that differs from the collective echo-chamber of leftist ideology.

There is a big difference between accepting people for who they are and respecting how they choose to live their life, and blindly nodding

Between 1525 and 1866 the colonies/U.S transported 12.5 million slaves from africa, of which 10.7 million survived the crossing.

Today, as in, right now, there are MORE than 40 million slaves across the globe. 71% of them are female, and 25% are children.

But please, lets hear more about the horrors that not a single

Who the fuck cares?

Part of the reason the left is so reviled by sooo many people, including people like me who call themselves liberals, is the fact that it’s become not only acceptable, but laudable to delve as far back as you need to into someone’s history as you need to so as to paint them as a monster.

This is

Except...yeah, you should STFU and stay in your lane.

People attribute some sort of innate wisdom to celebrities, on the basis that if they’ve achieved so much money, success and status they simply MUST have some deeper insight into the big problems of the world.

Which is stupid.

Almost as stupid as the blatant

Oh what a delicious moment.

Weed, is not the most “black thing ever”
Cannibis isn’t natively found in Africa.

Cannibis use goes back 12,000 years, to china. From china it made it’s way to korea and japan, and from there it to the middle east and europe.

The dutch were responsible for teaching africans how to smoke

The thing that you fail to acknowledge Rich,
is that the more people get, the more they want,
the longer they want something, the more they convince themselves that they DESERVE IT,
Since they deserve it, the fact that they haven’t actually gotten (whatever it happens to be) must mean there is some conspiracy,

Wow. I mean, conservatives absolutely pull that shit, but for any black person to say that reeks of hypocrisy.
For every legitimate grievance made on this blog (and championed in the comments) there are 9 more that are predicated on “this happened to a black person, because it happened to a black person it can only be

Technical limitations of technology, is not racism.
If something works well, and will improve with use for 85% of the population, prioritizing the potential gains over the incessant whining of 12% of the population is not fucking racism.

Just because an accusation of sexual assault has been made, doesn’t mean that the legal process should be ignored because “FEELINGS”

A documentary doesn’t mean shit, in fact, netflix is filled with documentaries that are very compelling, yet have not a single shred of evidence based in fact.

Nearly 30 years have passed

Where is your acknowledgement of the fact that it isn’t up to school to teach children about sex? Sex education in the US is an embarrassment, but everyone needs to stop pretending that the only way sex education happens is in a classroom by a stranger, everyone needs to stop pretending that it is ultimately the

She is the dumbest bitch alive, and in a world in which we have the “Trumps’” that’s just incredible.

Every new tidbit that you people keep dishing out just shows her to be dumber and dumber.

In no small part because you, and others on here keep trying to quell the onslaught by making it, once again, an issue of race.

No one thinks that cops are all good.

Cops, are people, and people...have the capacity to be good, evil or just plain old mediocre.

Which stands to reason, that cops have the capacity to also, be good, bad or mediocre.

What you, and every other dumbass on this blog want us to believe is that cops are inherently bad,

Cruz aspires to rise to the value of week old dick cheese.

That said, yes you do get to voice any opinion you want about anyone you want, regardless of, race/backround/political affiliation. After saying that “you don’t ever get to tell anyone” you immediately called into question his morals, bravery, and virtue.

That’s like asking which bloated corpse is more fuckable.

First off, the color of her skin has nothing to do with this.
Stop playing the race card for every god damn thing. The only impact playing the race card for every single instance of “breaking news: this person doesn’t like something, AND they’re black, so it’s automatically about race and if you don’t agree you’re

deep dish is absolutely a casserole. Casserole literally means “deep round pan used for cooking dishes in the oven”
That americans have conflated the cooking utensil with the type of dish prepared in it, doesn’t detract from the fact that it describes deep dish to a T.
Chicago eats less of than anywhere else in the US

While i prefer to eat leftover pizza straight from the fridge (paired with warm tomato sauce seasoned with garlic/basil/oregano/thyme/onion powder)
my wife prefers it warmed up, and i’ll occasionally indulge if her eyes are bigger than her stomach.

Turn the broiler on in your oven and put the rack in the highest

It would be more welcome on consoles than it would on smartphones.
The whole point of google and apple having a review process, and requiring approval to be shown in their app stores, is that developers get access to the API’s that make everything play nice, and in using those, it’s much easier for a review process to

The reason you, and so many other people didn’t like the last season of game of thrones, is because you’re not smart enough to understand the subtext of the story as it was built up throughout the entire series.

The fact that we’re still hearing this whining nearly two years later, because people can’t get over the