
He seems to have captured my own mentality, pessimistic optimism. The expectation that everything is always going to be a clusterfuck of disappointment, while harboring a small glimmer of hope that things will in fact, turn out alright.
It’s rather depressing to me that it takes so many people being inflicted with

Explain how exactly people like you, are any better than Shapiro or Owens? You’re two sides of the same stupid coin. Where they base everything off logical conclusions based around their world view while ignoring feelings that hinder said view, people like you ignore logic and long term effects solely in favor of

Christ that would be amazing. But come on now, he’s not gonna do anything that would make democrats happy. 

If only more women understood the wisdom of that response. She had freedom, and achieved success because she didn’t have kids.

You do not get to “have it all.” You should be free to pursue whatever it is you want in life, but women need to stop pushing this non-sense that they can be a good mother, and be

Laws....are laws. You don’t get to pick and choose which ones you follow and than say they’re unfair once you get caught. There is a difference between acknowledging the fact that a law is biased, and attempting to get it repealed (such as advocating for marijuana legalization in more and more states each year, or


I love how everyone is simultaneously so determined to get people to take climate change seriously, while at the same time so determined to deny the obvious ramifications of the disastrous damage we’ve already done.
The oil industry took a major hit as a result of the pandemic, oil and gas production and use fell

The fact that it’s not controversial doesn’t mean it’s not wrong, nor does it make it less stupid to assume that it’s actually the standard.

The root conflates the ability to keep a steady stream of “uncovered racists” with actual prevalence. There are 800,000 LEO’s in the US. That means that if you found 2000 acts of

Christ you people are idiots.

For a group of people so adamant about a move to a more socialist economy, you don’t seem to grasp how that kind of economy actually functions.

Socialist countries, have insanely high tax rates. Not just for the rich, but....for everyone. Base tax rates range from 44-57.2% with Sweden

People already pay for the service, a service which earns Disney $438,000,000 a month, a sum that discounts combo services like Hulu, ESPN etc. Take a look at literally any other streaming service that provides original content, including films that end up getting (limited) theatrical releases. All of that content is

Obtaining anything on the basis of affirmative action is tantamount to declaring you don’t belong there.

I understand the logic that went into creating AA, the assumption that white’s would be given preferential priority, and it absolutely made sense....55 years ago when it was enacted.

Talent, skill and interest does

First of all, who gives a shit what kind of person he is? Most of the people complaining about him are employees, and they’re doing so because :::gasp::: their boss is angry with them when they’ve failed to perform the functions of the job successfully. That’s how it works, if you screw up...you get treated like you

Synthetic benchmarks don’t mean shit when every 3rd party piece of software that is going to be running on these things is going to have a 15-20% performance hit from the translation layer that has to emulate everything.

Then there is of course the fact that even if they manage to eek ahead of intel’s performance,

You can make all the excuses you want. It just change the fact that, unlike every other nation of the world, if you’re poor in the US chances are literally, not figuratively, better than even that you’re fat. “I’m on welfare, so i’m consuming too many calories” is insane. If they are poor enough that they don’t have a

It is your responsibility to accept the fact that the civil war, and slavery ended 155 years ago. It’s over. It is done with. No one can change it, no one can make up for it, and no one currently living was a slave, nor did they own them.
The constant, unending verbal excrement being created by you either in an

It’s not bigotry to disagree about something, even if that something happens to leave someone feeling offended. Being offended, doesn’t make you right, supporting people that claim offense doesn’t make you wise.

Legislation legally COMPELLING you to say anything, at all, is wrong. Legally requiring you to blindly

First off, bigotry is a bit of reach. It’s not unreasonable to be attached to the belief that biology is more relevant than feelings. Throughout all the backlash aimed at rowling, everyone has eagerly ignored the fact that she wasn’t disparaging, she wasn’t insulting, she never said that Trans people don’t have the

The fact that 88-92% of black voters vote democrat, doesn’t make them the “backbone” of the party. Black people make up 13% of the population, 43 million people, of those 59% of eligible voters turned up to vote 15.3 million people , 8% of which voted for trump. While Hispanics had a turnout of 10.821 million, 29% of

Beauty standards have changed throughout history....and it’s really easy to understand why.

Up until sometime in the early 20th century, the standard of beauty was....well fat. Being fat was a sign of wealth and being born into a noble station, simply because being fat was almost an impossible standard to obtain for

What fantasy are living in if you think any black politician in the same position would vote for money that benefits any other group besides black people? That’s not racism, or supremacy. That’s just self interest, and everyone puts their own self interest ahead of everyone, and everything else no matter what it is