
Let me preface this by saying that i firmly believe (and always have) that abortion should just be one of the guaranteed options available to all women, no questions asked. Forcing someone to have a child that doesn’t want to have a child, can’t afford to have a child or just isn’t ready at that particular time to

I think the first thing to do is honestly evaluate whether or not they fall into the “boombalatty” category. There is a big difference between someone who is normally a healthy weight (which does not mean the average weight, because america is a nation of fatasses) and has gained 10 or 15 pounds due to inactivity in

Given the current political landscape in which accusation=verifiable guilt where everyone that is not white, straight, christian or male is coming out of the woodwork to declare anything they don’t like as being racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, misogynistic or whatever other term of exclusion based around

How exactly is she less than moral for not stirring the pot? Everyone knew exactly who trump was when they actively, passively (or stupidly) elected him. He’s had been in the public eye for 40 years before he was elected, bankruptcies, multiple divorces, fraud, sexual assault AND rape accusations against minors no

First off, 22 is....:::checks notes::: a fucking adult. One that graduated college and was working in the white house. This idea that every dumb thing that women choose to do is somehow the sole responsibility of the men around them, just seems a bit at odds with the whole #girlpower#feminism take down the patriarchy

I’ve said it before, and i’m sure i’ll say it again, people are garbage. No one is perfect, and getting any two people to agree on anything with any level of consistency is usually a pointless endeavor, let alone harboring the expectation that everyone is going to think, feel, say and do things that you approve of

I don’t care what something started out as, and the fact that most people grew up in blissful ignorance of this fact kinda shows that it really doesn’t matter what it started out as, because most people just associate it with the sound of ice cream and childhood devoid of any lyrics.

Dredging this kinda stuff up in an

Religion is the refuge of simple minded. Indoctrinated before reaching the age of reason, at which point it’s already too late. Desperately clinging to the notion that life is just the prelude to an eternity of being richly rewarded, which everyone is undoubtedly sure, they deserve. Thousands of religions, each the

We don’t need to have an impervious firewall to separate art from artist. That’s not how human beings work, at least that’s not how society functioned before the millennial took to the internet to push the idea that the only thing in life that matters is how we feel.

Fuck your feelings.

No one is perfect, in fact most

lol you’re joking, right?

Jesus christ, you fucking people are all terrible.

They were doing the same thing before they got a TV show, which is why they got the TV show, and they were smart enough to leverage that brand recognition into an empire, and there is not a single one of you hypocritical fuckers that would do anything different.


Yeah, keep telling the world you believe your brother, that’s a surefire way to get people to take you seriously.

Though it is nice to see one of these BLM people finally coming around to the concept of doing shit yourself instead of demanding that others include you because you think you somehow deserve to be

So between this, the whole maternity leave situation and that women are much more likely to duck out of work early because they have kids....and we’re still pretending that the wage gap is just baseless sexism?

If you’re charging port is failing after a year, it is without a doubt the result of a careless user.

My wife bought me a $140, Romanian brand (allview) smartphone in 2015, which actually had comparable guts to a $400 phone, while still having a removable battery. When i upgraded in 2018, she took the old one, which

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the shitty performance is mostly limited to Intel/nvidia configs, with more blame placed on the intel part of things.

I’ve got 16gigs of 3000mhz DDR4, a 5700xt gpu, Zen 2700X installed on an m.2 and i’m able to maintain a constant 60fps (fps limited to my monitors refresh) at 4k

Sam....Sam, Sam.

Louis, is funny. He is one of the best comedians ever, that isn’t a matter of debate. It’s just a fact, and one that was widely accepted until a couple years ago. Character flaws do not erase talent. If they did, then no one would be employable.

Everyone is garbage, either factually or just through

The type of grind you use makes a big difference in how the water absorbs the flavors and compounds of the beans, as well as how long you have to let the coffee brew. If you’re using one of those cheapo blade grinders, you’re not going to get an even extraction because the grounds aren’t uniform in size and shape,

Dreads are not “natural hair.” Dreads are what happen when you don’t take care of your hair, I.E wash, brush and condition. The fact that you can facilitate dreads, doesn’t take away from the fact that they are routinely fucking disgusting. Is that true of all dreads? Probably not. But i’ve known a lot of people of

What all you people desperate to paint everything as racism fail to understand here...

She was on PROBATION after assaulting her mother and stealing a cell phone from a classmate. The fact that she was arrested for these things, shows that not only the classmate she stole from reported her, but so did her mother.


Ishena, If you want black leaders to cover the full story this is what they should be including:

Black Americans, who make up 13% of the population commit 58% of gun murders in the US (7300 in 2016)
Black Americans have the highest concentration of violent gang members of any demographic in the US, 1.32%
Black Americans