
 Thanks for the link. My earlier post came from the first two things that I felt upon seeing this article: (1) Anger at the thought that black children were yet again being silenced by the system; (2) A sense of helplessness knowing that my own little siblings could end up encountering a situation like this. After

Oh fuck off. Kids lie, it won’t be the first time. See past your own racist bullshit for once and don’t lynch the guy, remember when it happened to your fam, homie? Not so fun huh?

According to articles linked by commenters below, it was the little girl’s parents who discovered the lie. They appear to be good parents who have established strong communication and trust with their kids. Children (especially very young kids like these) make mistakes. It’s how they learn.

The guy had an alibi for the time of the incident and witnesses that place him as NOT there to do the deed. The children lied. Period. 

They’d have trouble remembering whether it was the old man or themselves peeing on a little girl? That’s a pretty big fucking difference to “misremember”. I think I’d remember peeing on someone pretty clearly. If they admitted that they did it which seems to be what's happened, case closed.

According to the article I read, the parents are actually the ones that approached the prosecutors to say that the children made it up.

It’s not mentioned in the above linked article, but this article says it was actually the parents of the children who, after further questioning, determined the kids had made the story up in order to avoid getting in trouble because it was actually one of the kids who had urinated on her, at which point they notified

You almost seem upset that it wasn’t the white man that urinated on the little girl. 

The girl was peed on and they had a suspect. All they have to do is run a dna test and if the urine doesn’t match, the whole case falls apart. And why wouldn’t the prosecutors try and throw a convicted sex offender back to prison? Our legal system LOVES to set convicts up for failure so even if they served their time,

It it was just cash assets, it would be easy to just split everything 4 ways and call it a day. However, her estate will probably generate revenue for many years depending on music loyalties, publishing, and just her image being sold on stuff,  etc. Decisions have to be made on what offers to accept or not accept.

Banging my head on the table RN.

Yeah, if that really were the reason, you could write 100% to my kids, name one of the kids executor, hire 1 attorney and call it a day. Usually if people don’t have a will, they don’t have a plan. This is going to cost them way more than with a will. Hopefully her accounts have someone designated as payable, she did

I mean.... you also get to live in a fucking castle, vacation on the Riviera, and never worry about money again the rest of your life.

I know! And that must be so frustrating - to have access to all the designers you could possibly want, to be able to afford to wear whatever you want, but to be limited by the restrictions that, essentially, your in-laws have put on you. That would suck. Kate always looks nice, but you wonder if she ever wants to rock

Probably not enough space in the jails for every idiot in Tennessee who fires off a gun for no reason.

Wow, you went nasty quickly in what had been a reasonable and civil conversation. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

She may be all that this woman knows, but her status is stolen and illegitimate, and she deserves the longest prison sentence allowable under law.

The pain was caused by the kidnapper. She deserves life in prison. She stole this woman’s entire childhood. This is not a hard call.