Poet Desmond

I want to see a spinoff of The Marvel Newsroom that follows a Hunter S. Thompson style reporter and a low level superhero on a drug fueled tour of a major city.

While I would have been willing to give you a pass if your defensive example had referenced the Kessel Run, I’m afraid I have to deliver the bad news that a joke is not a joke if you’re the only person who gets it. If you’re doing something for a group, but only you enjoy it, it’s just masturbation.

I feel like there’s something pointlessly masturbatory about fashion shows. These outfits (costumes, really) rarely enter the public consciousness in any major way, outside of fringe celebrities at award shows. I feel like all the designers wasting time and our brainspace with these things would be better off

I stopped reading immediately after the cave complaint. If you couldn’t understand by extrapolation what was going on, the movie was too complex for you. And that’s every bit as insulting as it sounds, it’s a fucking Marvel movie, not rocket science. There was this pool, and apparently it exists in some version in

The idea is horrible on its face, the acting is so cheesy I’m getting gas, and the punchlines are so deflated Tom Brady wants to use them for his next big game. Everything about this is so horrible it may be accidentally awesome. I will approach the first episode with an open mind, then hate watch it until it’s

I hadn’t really been paying attention to news about this. I figured it was going to be its own thing, I’m kind of surprised they’re going with it as a direct followup.

Hello, there, neighbor. Don’t be a stranger.

Oh, they’re definitely Congolese.

I had somewhat dismissed Tomorrowland early on, but when I finally saw the preview (tacked on to Age of Ultron), I found myself actually enjoying it. Fingers crossed.

I can’t even read my mind.

Storm cells can form life, too.

Oh, god, my heart!

I was kind of hoping Guardians would mark the dawn of a new era of space opera. So much for that.

Because, seriously, fuck spiders.

2/10, make me click reply.

I’ve found DxTory to be way smoother than anything mentioned here when it comes to recording gameplay.

Since they’re expanding it, I kind of see the Earth One line as the exact opposite of the All Star line. Instead of these two heroes at their very best, it’s Batman and Superman at their most half-assed.

Oh, god, not Inquisitr!

Actually, last season in the UK the lowest level of viewship was just shy of seven million viewers, and it averaged higher than seven million for the season, peeking at 9.1 million viewers. And that’s just the premier day, live viewers, it doesn’t take into account recordings or iPlayer viewings.

I’m predicting a shit-tier ending: it takes place right before Dark Water/Death in Heaven, and we find out that Osgood and her Zygon duplicate traded places for whatever handwavy contrivance works, so she’s still alive.