Poet Desmond

Haha...yeah. That was pretty awful, too.

Shits like that are why I don’t waste time with arenas.

Not just that: he’ll never understand. When the advanced alienrobots attempt to explain the limitations of what they can do, he just keeps asking to see her, over and over. It’s a pretty massive downer ending in the guise of a Disney Happy Ending.

I actually compared it to the Shining when I left—technically both “happy” endings, except that everyone is miserable and worse off for the journey.

With Kes unexpectedly offing herself?

That episode almost had me loving Voyager again. Until the end. I hate magic reset buttons. If the end result is, nothing has changed for the main characters, don’t film the episode. It’s not even filler.

So, you decided baby shit yellow was a good color for a vehicle? I agree with the eyesore comment. Paint that shit.

Seems like there are a few places named like that during the colonial era in Australia and the western hemisphere.

Both, man. Both.

I never really found his books all that frightening. Goosebumps was just silly twists, like an M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie. I do remember Fear Street being a bit better, but some of them were played as just straight murder mysteries, more suspense than horror.

Actually, it didn’t leave me wanting more. It left me wanting to reread the book and not bother noting when the miniseries premiers.

I’m sorry, that’s the worst preview I’ve ever seen.

“Where did I put my car keys?”

Too close to home?

Because the video is posted on the youtube account of AFV, America's Funniest Videos, which does license viewing rights country to country. It's basically just a dog sitting with its head half out an automatic cat door, which keeps trying to drop closed, tapping him on the head, rising up, then trying to drop closed

Asylum used to produced bad movies I could watch with friends while getting drunk and mocking them endlessly. Now they just produce movies so bad we'd all rather watch good movies.

Yeah, but he gets paid for being an ass here. Unless you're getting volunteer credit for your (I'm assuming) high school, maybe tone it down a tiny bit?

I loathe Buffy, but love Gunnerkrigg Court. Your move, Lauren.

How the hell does this thing work?

Before someone becomes a game dev, there should be a basic questionnaire consisting of one question: “Should you interact with critics?” If you answer yes, let your dream of being a dev die.