Poet Desmond

Does that include Doctor Who, which ended its season with yet another Love Conquers cop out?

Next we'll be reporting on a big outbreak in DC.

I hated the Sarah Palin character so much, I could not stand to watch the movie, and turned it off after two minutes of her. So, going to skip it.

Wow. I've got the appropriate blu-ray connection to host a Satanist movie night.

A couple of things come to mind.

I, for one, am looking forward to Star Wars Into Darkness.

I actually just finished Proxima, and I have to say, I wasn't as impressed as Giulio Prisco. The scope was magnificent, the ideas were brilliant, but he spent too much time dwelling on his greatest weakness: human interaction. It's quite odd to note that his strongest and most interesting characters are often non

Doesn't the hammer not just read actions, but psyche? After Captain America 2, he may simply not feel worthy, since Bucky isn't back with him yet.

WOO! I was literally just watching old episodes of Archer (Lo Scandalo) on the old Netflix 360, decided to pop onto io9 to see what happened during the day, and it's beautiful news.

Ghandi is my nightmare opponent. I do everything I can to appease him, try and set other leaders against him, do my best to just stay away from him on the map. Finally, I understand why.

I am tossing a drink back for this man at this very moment.

So obviously a fake that it didn't need pointing out.

Anything by Stephen Baxter, but most especially Evolution.

So, my magical time machine that can bend one dimension to its will just throws up its arms and says "fuck it!" to the other three I need to interact with?

But does it necessarily qualify as a trope if there are real life examples?

Don't think of them as functional items that fail to function. Think them them as non-functional items imitating functional items.

Then there's this methodology.

So, they just hang out. Like bros. I kind of like that.