
You’re right, flawed is not the word to describe it. Flat, mediocre, derivative, those are much more apt words.

As someone who has worked with countless of men who have experienced spousal abuse, rape, and attacks from women and had those experiences reduced to “well, there’s just less history of this, so women still have it worse”, I can only say fuck you very much, and that your argument is hilarious misandrist.

People comparing this to the Fappening are analogy-challenged.

It won’t. Not as long as Gawker is on record saying that they think it’s newsworthy, and that they live on leaks and gossip, but then believe the Fappening was the worst thing to happen in the history of humanity. They’ve proven themselves to hold no standards or ethics, and any jury that hasn’t been bought and paid

Never finished it, the writing was so atrociously bad that it sucked all the fun out of the game. Well, that and the repetitious “find a gate, close a gate, repeat forever.” Bethesda has never been great at writing, at least not with anything after Morrowind, but Oblivion remains a distinct low point - the game that

Only if you squint your eyes, stand on your head and look at it askew and then project a healthy bit of insecurity at it. Meanwhile, multiple award winning, beloved industry titans, all women, continue working happily creating amazing games and couldn’t care less.

So you’re saying that trust is lost because a male co-worker looks at dancers? Wow, I’ll remind my female co-workers that I’m losing trust in them and I’m feeling unsafe the next time they gawk at male models at the event we’re at.

Because these events aren’t built with the idea of “how will the eternally offended internet generation feel about this?” Don’t like it? Make your own event and stop complaining.

Developers don’t like looking at booty? Huh, cause I could have sworn all my developer friends, men and women alike, appreciate the fine form of a toned body getting freaky on the dance floor.

None of this sounds even remotely like Preacher. It sounds like what I expected it to be - a watered down version from two people who couldn’t care less about the source material. Hell, Rogen is even on record saying that they’re not gonna bother with making this the true to the comics, which begs the question why

Without providing any context or proof to the claim, it’s hard to take Evan seriously on this. Sounds more like him projecting stuff than anything else.

One of the most popular gaming franchises out there that breaks sales records every year? Yeah, that’s probably a good audience to target for.

Because it’s so much fun Janet!

This right here. Everything today is being targeted to be all fluffy bunnies and everyone getting a participation prize, so it’s no wonder something like Deadpool gets people into theaters - nobody wants to be coddled like that all the time. If anything, Hardcore Henry looks like a great amount of fun in pure, bad

Didn’t you hear? It’s not school shootings anymore that we have to blame games for - that’s now the domain of foreigners. No, if Doom has anything to fear, it’s being labeled “problematic” or “toxic masculinity” being smeared all over it.

And to be even more accurate: the writing was never good to begin with. Cage is like the French M. Night Shyamalan, without ever having delivered the goods in the first place.

Oh let’s not kid ourselves. Houston is a hick-filled swamp that is totally into the confederacy, they’re just really good about hiding it behind the shadow of NASA.

I spent a long time living out of a car. It was some of the worst moments of my life. There’s a special kind of silence that falls on you and yours when there really is nothing, absolutely nothing that can be said or done that would provide a last minute salvation. You’re at that situation, and you’re not getting out.

Wow, it’s awesome how people like you will not only condescend, but also go right into hostility and attacks when their precious little viewpoint is challenged. That’s a great attitude you’ve got there kiddo!

Incorrect, I’m merely pointing out your defense of Destiny, which rested solely on the numbers that it sold, is broken logic itself, as plenty of things that are crap have also sold well. It’s almost as if numbers don’t mean a damn thing.