King Podrick, First of His Name, Tamer of Erogenous Zones

Let’s be honest. It’s the same reason whites that didn’t know shit from champagne just didn’t like Obama, even when he was emulating Reagan. His skin color and age represent something some people are instinctively afraid of, no matter how progressive he is or what he really stands for. Then you stand him up against a

You may inadvertently be raising d-bags, or predisposing them to d-bagism. Any teenage boy accustomed to being part of a ‘wolf pack’ is well on the way. Idk, maybe you’ll make it less cool? Could go either way. I wholly concur that it was over by The Hangover, in any event.

Is this a real thing that men in such an advanced state of being grown-ass thought was cool? I am so confused. And wolf pack is somehow cooler, and more self aware?

When I was in middle school I had the misfortune of encountering a sociopath that would dramatically change the trajectory of my life. She was a junior in high school, and had just moved to town. Apparently she had watched Cruel Intentions a few too many times, or something. We became entangled in the most abusive

The thing is, I don’t care if she made the choice to do it or not. I don’t know what you’re trying to say. That ESPN would be less shitty if she had chosen non-compliance? Or that she is somehow responsible for the trauma because she chose to comply, or that had she chosen no to comply her situation would be better

Yeah, he’s a real family man. He has a big happy family of ex wives, some of whom he has raped, while others merely fondly remember him for endearing little quirks like keeping Hitler’s speeches at his bedside. Then there’s his daughter. While he admits culpability in his divorces, his only regret for his daughter is

I have. I think it’s endemic. Around the time this all went down I was an ethnicity, gender, and labor studies major in college, and DADT was a hot topic, so I was really dialed-in to sexual assault in the military. Something about the nature of this incident, though, and it occurring under the command of the only

ESPN wanted to avoid any damage to their image that might come about if it was purported or perceived that she had willingly or intentionally created the footage. So they forced her to make it clear that she had nothing to do with how the image was produced, other than victimization. They reverse slut shamed her,

It blows my mind how common this shit it. My ex girlfriend’s dad was a captain in the coast guard, and a guy on his ship got busted for filming women showering and/or undressing. This wasn’t a very large ship, either, so the violation was pretty profound, and suspicion was rampant. This was right around the same time

I’d like to thank you for creating a thread that got me followed by Kotaku. I’ve never been out of the greys on any Gawker Media sites. I’m kind of excited about it.

As a tin-hatting transwoman, I am firm in my belief that Rey is the reincarnation of Anakin. And while my head cannon doesn’t read that as making the character trans, it does make the character feel like she has trans subtext. Much in the same way that, in X-Men: First Class, Beast and Mystique were the ‘trans’

Honestly, Ubisoft is painfully mediocre and the subject of an immense amount of justified criticism. They have great IPs and are doing utter shit with them. I have no idea if that reflects on a lack of talent from the top or the bottom, but if it’s the former, and Vivendi acquired a majority in Ubisoft, maybe they’ll

They don’t actually think they can run Christie as VP and win the general election, do they? Sure, he seems sane and moderate, which is all they’ve needed to do for the last several election cycles to succeed, but that’s way too much city slicker/I-talian for voters to handle. Idk, maybe all an Italian has to do to

Yeah, I don’t think ‘high-brow’ means exactly what he thinks it means. In fact, he seems to think it means the opposite of what it means.

Sony’s got a lot of fucked up shit in their house. The hacking incident/The Interview/employees having absolutely no faith in the company they work for, the attempt to copyright ‘let’s play’ (a term already totally ubiquitous on youtube), and now this, which is on a whole new level of fucked up. Am I missing anything?

Well, then. Keep up the good work. Carry on, carry on.

not sure if joke or ignorant of old industry term ‘color commentator’, which has nothing to do with melanin

Please learn what the words ‘colloquial’ and ‘vernacular’ mean. You probably know what ‘pedantic’ means, though. And this from a person whose internet alias is a mishmash of words Lovecraft half-remembered and misunderstood, borrowed from Algonquin. Language changes, and this usage is absolutely acceptable and

Wayward Pines was excellent. I can’t recall wanting to see the conclusion of a show more, and upon seeing the conclusion wanting to see another season. I don’t know where they’ll go with it, given that they’re finished with its source material, but the kindest thing I can say about the show is that it makes me feel

This makes me feel like I can quit my day job and fix scripts for a living.