King Podrick, First of His Name, Tamer of Erogenous Zones

“it’s like the all gamers are basement dwellers thing”

Nah. I watch a lot of youtube gaming, and I am perfectly fine with and not creeped out by the vast majority of users.

No. Nowhere in my comment do I state that individuals fitting a certain criteria are pedophiles. But my suspicions about the community and several individuals have been verified by their subsequent actions. Never saw this guy, but I definitely would have been creeped out by him. Maybe you just have bad instincts.

The first time I watched Tobuscus, it was a minecraft vid, and I just immediately felt like I wanted to take a shower without really knowing why. Not surprised that he turned out to be a complete dirtbag, allegedly.

I think there are adult males that have gaming channels with substantive and worthwhile content, and it’s a pretty good gig. I just don’t respect sketchy ass dudes making vapid and soulless content for some of that sweet tween ad revenue. The repeated reports of pedophilia inside the ‘minecraft’ genre of videos

I have always been extremely suspicious of young adult males running minecraft channels aimed at kids. A lot of minecraft youtubers just seem like fucking creeps. I’m glad my prejudices aren’t baseless, but I wish they were.

On the subject of salvia, a dude once told me he would never touch the stuff because his friend ‘lived 40 years of his life’ in one salvia trip. Not gonna lie, I kind of wanted to do salvia after hearing that. I always think of that anecdote when this episode of Trek comes up in conversation.

Wasn’t there a release date set for Fallout 4 mods on the PS4? Am I just imagining this? Sony is on a roll with pissing people off.

I watched Faze Rain’s video where he screams at the camera ‘I DID LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG!’ and completely fails to take any responsibility for the situation. They come off like rich kids with a strong sense of entitlement and no sense of responsibility. Dude, you release a video titled ‘we are making a game’, you say

I’ll be buying a Scorpio. Sony lost me when it refused to do anything about my PS4 afflicted with the ejection button issue that makes playing games impossible, and turns my console into an immensely annoying surprise alarm clock even when it’s turned off. You know, that major design flaw that was so not a design flaw

I have this problem. I’m 29, but most people think I’m 16. I’m also transgender, and that doesn’t help. I’m honestly at a loss for what to do because I’ve been burned so many times. I don’t know how many more times I can change career paths. I think I’m going to end up working for myself. Either that, or porn. That’s

“Also the struggles of homosexuals pales compared to the hatred of racism in this country.”

You’re a foremost ignoramus, is what you are.

“My ancestors put on an American uniform and died for change.”

I’m really concerned about the chilling effect this is going to have on channels that cover news. The Young Turks and the like are basically fucked if this is the new normal. I’m confused as to why youtube is doing this. Are they actively censoring users they don’t like? Or is this their attempt to bring more

I desperately want the community to finish this game and release it. It’s such a great engine, and a great game, it’s just too damn short and blatantly unfinished.

I’ve spent literal hours clicking ‘random’ and have only seen ‘gay’ about three times. It seems like it’s the least common trait. Would love to crack it open and find out for sure.

This is definitely the last article on this movie I’ll be reading. People spout the most inane garbage about the casting of this movie. Get the fuck over it, folks.

It’s to make the CG effect easier. Christ.

I feel bad for her. She co-starred in a movie the anti-sjw/post-gamergate online movement decried as ‘feminist’, so her life needs to be ruined? Fuck these people.

This is one of those events where I just want to ask ‘why?’ It seems terrible for your health in the short term and the long term, it doesn’t look cool, and it’s more efficient just to run. What the fuck is the deal with this sport? If you want to travel long distances on foot, walk, or become a long distance runner.