
Yea, I think it comes with the territory of having (probably) the biggest fanbase in college sports... Many more douchebags to ruin your rep.

Never has a series of GIFs made me more uncomfortable.

Must’ve missed the article... too late for that. He had 2 children.

He already had two children.

I can sympathize, being a University of Kentucky alumni and lifelong fan. I have seen and heard some of the most wretched hive of scum and villainy on Earth donning the old blue and white. I’ve also realized over time that a majority of people are assholes anyway, so large groups of people who have a shared passion

Saw an update from the Kinja builders and they said this is what they were tweaking it to. I know I needed more wasted white space on the left side of my screen!

Columbus is cool, the rest of Ohio sucks nads, and OSU fans are generally but not exclusivley assholes.

Alabama and Ohio State are neck-and-neck in terms of sheer insufferability. For me Alabama “wins” for the mindless “Roll Tide!” that seeps like sweet tea from the mouth-anus of every glassey-eyed ‘Bama fan. Makes the robotic farting of “O-H... I-O!” sound like poetry.

I live in Columbus, and I’m a Buckeye fan, but I feel the same way. I just try to avoid all of the douche bags around campus. When I was in college I actually rooted against them, because I loved seeing all of the assholes so miserable!

Fucking highlight truthers.

This guy is 80 percent of Deadspin’s readership.

Yes, but by “people” he means “black people.” They want impossible, insane things like “not being shot by the fucking cops all the damn time.” Drunk! Drunk on rights, I tell you! Unlike white people who walk down the street with their AR’s strapped to their backs and go into Chipotle armed to the teeth and expect to

I’m not drunk YOU’RE drunk.

The guy who first made those stickers is my high school buddy that now lives in Oregon.

That jump is easy to make when you’ve got practice and faith.

People Are Drunk On Rights In This Country

It takes a ginormous leap in logic to go from

Fox’s Katie Pavlich Says BLM Is A “Movement That Promotes The Execution Of Police Officers”

That forehead! Holy shit.

I bet spends a lot of time talking about hot chicks as well, right?