
In my rich lady who attends charity luncheons daydreams, I would wear this collection.

If articles like this inspire hella more people to run on the field during boring games, it is a public service.

We danced to Tom Waits’ “Little Trip to Heaven.” Pretty ideal, it is super romantic, won’t offend grandma, but still has hipster cred. I also like that we never hear it out in the world unless we play it.

I was driving back with a sweet coworker of mine on the day of SCOTUS’s decision on this case and a story about it came on NPR. Coworker immediately started talking about how one of her high school friends didn’t get into UC Berkeley and it was due to affirmative action.

Fuck off with that. A group of counter protesters attacked a local news crew before confronting the nazi shits. There were plenty of normal people there, but it is pretty obvious a decent chunk of the counter protesters were bad guys of a different ilk.

A living room with couches is a pretty good spot for normals with no access to a special room.

Exactly, kudos.

Seriously, show that .gif to me when I’m senile, living in a spaceship nursing home, and I will still think it is funny.

I’m from the midwest, it’s more the dread of being impolite than genuine niceness.

Because a lot of the time it works. Between the two options, I would rather remain open to the possibility of three seats for two people. We fly Southwest for west coast stuff, but if we are flying together on another airline where you actually pick seats its usually to the east coast or international, so the payoff

Fuck those people.

I’ve never had that problem, but after six years of marriage not talking to my husband for a couple hours is fine.

I am 1000% percent with you on landing and takeoff. When I’m on a plane with a screaming baby and notice someone about to get huffy I will somewhat loudly comment that my ears hurt too, and that it must be so hard on the baby.

I do that and then give up my aisle or window seat if there is someone between us. I’m taking a gamble that no one will sit between us, so if you lose you have to pay the house.

I’m one of those people, and will always offer up my window seat if we get someone between us. It’s a gamble, so if you lose you got to pay the house.

I’ve lost about 8 pounds since just after Christmas, and I still drank plenty following basically your advice. I did the following:

Frankly, you got it just right. He chucked his headband, yelled a bunch then pouted at the end of the players’ seats. It took him quite a bit of time to get out of his own head and cheer for his teammates. He didn’t join the huddles, for example, during time outs. But there weren’t any other fireworks.

I was at the game, enjoying corporate tickets four rows behind the Kings bench. This is a fantastic description of the experience. Thanks.

This is such an important point. Books about important social issues with a PoC facing down that social issue are great, but we also need books with diverse people dealing with regular ol’ adolescence, and learning life lessons, and fighting zombies, and falling in love with glitter vampires, or whatever else it is

Last time I visited the American Museum of Natural History I literally opened staff doors and peered down non-public hallways hoping to catch a glimpse of Neil. I’m a married lady. He’s right there with movie stars on my hall pass list.