
This why I have season tickets to my city's ballet. And attend open rehearsals whenever possible. Best possible way to spend a Saturday afternoon for a married lady and her middle-age gay male friends.

Really interesting.

That is so charming!

So you met the Actual Most Interesting Man in the World? Very cool.

Servers make minimum wage in California, and we still all tip (or the culture is to tip). The minimum wage exception in other states is the result of our tipping culture, not the other way around.

Honestly, this is a really good magazine. Not as gourmet as Eating Well, but really useful and realistic in terms of nutrition, portions, and available ingredients.

Great photos, super cute kids, but who the fuck is the readership for a children's fashion magazine?! Is this just for people who wish for higher production values on Instagram photos?

Kickstarter for this series STAT.

Truth. Maintenance sex is real.

That may be helpful to someone, just like how not to get raped is helpful to me, as a woman!

For most Christians in the West, it is the only group we've had a personal problem with. People conflate the personal (annoying evangelicals, judgmental relatives, obnoxious politicians) with the impersonal (philosophy). The Zoroastrians just aren't on the radar.

Same here, and I have a friend who had a similar experience. We both (totally separately, met years later) left the Church for intellectual reasons. I genuinely enjoyed my faith life. But it isn't something you can fake.

I'm a former big-law attorney and defended some supplement manufacturers in my days, so one theory I can float from knowledge is that it isn't as if Walgreens has a Walgreens pill factory. Instead, companies go to "fabricators" (manufacturers) who make the pills and slap a label on. You may not use the same factory

Rabbits are yummy, but how did you come to be a person who hates rabbits? How does that happen? Did a rabbit murder your family and now you are on a quest for revenge? That is really the only acceptable answer.

At least it sounds like a real person, but I would never meet a date for the first time in a private residence. But I would actually respond to that.

I attended the National Automobile Dealers Association conference. Yes, really. Jay Leno also spoke as well as a dude who survived that famous, deadly Mt. Everest climb. This is my first year in the industry, interesting year to say the least.

The phrase slut-shaming doesn't appear in this story, but it is certainly at the heart of it. An implicit (and often explicit) bias many of us still have towards porn-performers and sex workers is that they don't respect themselves, as evidenced by their work, so why should we respect them? I think that is why so many

Are these comments the results of poor opinions of feminism, or of women, or both? How does any sane person think these are the issues at hand when we discuss campus sexual assault?

Nah, I'm married and I still go to clubs. There is a reason straight girls are flocking to gay clubs.

Because people change their minds? Because he fell in love with the actual child, even if he wasn't keen on parenthood when she was still just a potential child? Who knows, but it isn't that hard to wrap your head around.