
Dempsey's Game Version looks more like Ozil.

That's all well and good but where is the Shenmue re-make?

I really don't get how people would actually determine what console they would buy because of a small difference in the frame rate and resolution. I bought an X1 and I love it, the games look awesome, and so what if PS4 is slightly better, if all you care about is resolution and frame rate, go get a pc. IMO you should

To be honest, if all you care about is graphics get a PC. People should be caring more about the gameplay and story, I would pick an amazing game with average graphics over an average game with amazing graphics everytime.

Thank you, sir. You understand.

Kotaku is getting more and more biased towards Sony everyday.

I'm sold.

The problems the X1 had before never really effected me so I never had a problem with it. I agree however that the games have been forgotten, I also thought Project Spark looked amazing, I think, imo, that the Xbox One showed 2 - 3 times the amount of decent exclusives sony did.