
Some people will never be happy no matter what was done...

You have a strange definition of nothing, given that you are continuing down the line of conversation that you consider valueless. At the very least, its value is that you rose to the occasion to chastise me over it. Also, I know it’s nearly impossible to correctly read emotion into two short sentences, but I can

I’m sorry that you thought wrong. Don’t let it stop you from thinking again.

Weta should know better than anyone what the floor plan should be. 

Possibly, maybe even probably. But goddammit, I think three or four streaming subscriptions is already more than enough for me.

That’s fair.  That being said, I have nothing against Netflix other than I’m fed up with paying them every month for less and less interesting content.

Simply announce that you’re naming it the TRUMP Telescope and putting his name on the side of it, problem solved.

Mars is passe. Go for the sun.

Nice backtracking, why bring up Obama at all? What does he have to do with Trump cutting funding for NASA?

Said no one in the current administration. Ever.

Well, the researchers were excited, but then they emitted some photons and now they’re back to their ground states.

You got your answers, now don’t you feel like a fucking buffoon for trying to throw some accusation at Obama like it’s his fault and not the cheetos jesus?

The telescope is not ready for launch yet. It’s scheduled for 2020 (I think). But it’ll never go if Trump scraps it now. Good try though. Always try to blame Obama for Trump’s failures.

So let’s re-cap then what Trump is doing for NASA:
- He is cancelling the funding for the ISS early to build a new ISS around the moon (strike 1)
- He is still not stopping NASA from bleeding money on the SLS despite the launch costs per kilo being 5-10 times as high as any rocket already flying commercially. (strike 2)

15 centuries? Is the Earth really that old? *suspicious glare*

Positioning the U.S. as a leader in space, it would then seem, is not a priority.

They hate any and all science. They want to drag us back to the 15th century.

Oh thank god...for a second there I thought it was the Webb, and I was about to go to home depot to buy a pitchfork.

How many birds are killed by air pollution every year vs the puny number Republicans keep pushing out whenever there’s a renewable energy debate?

Tried to appeal to their senses or rationality and intelligence on Election Day, and we see how that worked out.