Pod Bay Doors

Keep hyperventilating over shitposting teenagers.

Good job freaking out over some nerds pushing your buttons.

Boring, Amateurish Synthpop Has Swastika On It, Is Therefore Evil

I'm starting to think you're a fascist. Prove you're not.

Yes, it is a witch hunt. Since when are "witch hunt" and "private enterprise" opposites?

Yes, it is a perfect example of a witch hunt.

OMG! Good thing they cancelled it, then.

To the rescue.

It's a perfect example of a witch hunt.

The participants in a witch hunt always have good reasons for their behavior.

Not automatically, no.

They cancelled the show because he associated with a bad person and made a bad gesture?

I told you to calm down.

Calm the fuck down.

"The notorious troll 'weev,' whose support of Million Dollar Extreme was one of the first dominos that lead to its cancellation"

Upvoted for mocking white people. It's about time somebody did.

I just can't enjoy a movie unless I know it was created by a diverse group of people. #woke

Wow, they even got a younger Irish actor who can to the same sorta-American accent. I'm there!

I just had a Margot Kidder moment. I hear sirens.

get it because trump