Hahaha, it is pretty funny. I don't think we can blame this one on Kinja, though. That was all me being too consumed in the trans golf inventor articles.
Hahaha, it is pretty funny. I don't think we can blame this one on Kinja, though. That was all me being too consumed in the trans golf inventor articles.
Hahahahah! OMG, I am so sorry! I got completely confused. I have a few people questioning something I said in defense of the trans woman in the golf article on Gawker and I thought your bizarre woman was part of that for some reason. I got completely taken away. I'm sorry. I'm back now.
What don't you understand?
She may very well have been, I'm not disputing that but the fact that the author said that he got chills when he found out that she was born with male organs makes me wonder what his prejudices are.
Wow. I just...I don't...how do people even think like that?
I'm willing to bet that she thinks that gives her more of a pass.
Ha!! Your cell description is hilarious.
Don't hate me for saying this, but I think that might have been a detox reaction. If you had kept up with it, your headache would have likely disappeared after a few days to a week and you would have felt the great effects. Or not. Just wanted to throw that out there as a possibility because a lot of people don't…
I'm sure you have. I'm sure that every time you think you make a breakthrough with the forgiveness, the image of the Discman with skip protection going out the window haunts you. Your cds were protected from skipping! How could he? You are a decent and nice person and your brother is a monster.
The one with skip protection? Skip protection? That is as sacred a thing as you could get back in the day. That is sacrilegious! That is criminal! I will understand if you still haven't forgiven him.
Oh, Brandy. You are not a stand up comedian.
Awesome!!! Thank you for posting this. I'm mixed about this not being in the tabloids. On the one hand, I like that they're not being bothered with gossip and rumors that would have lots of hateful racists comments to follow, on the other hand, the fuck? This SHOULD be HOT tabloid news and it saddens me that it isn't…
This is the best! The best ever!
Let's not forget that in a lot of poorer neighborhoods there would be a huge percentage of people getting their bikes stolen from them on a constant basis. It is probably not a viable option even for the healthiest in a high crime area where many people in poverty live.
Yes, but in those places the obesity is not accompanied by nutritional deficiencies. The obesity in our inner cities is not a luxurious type of obesity. They did not get it from having nutrient rich and fresh foods. They are basically being nutrient starved and poisoned.
You are not accounting for lack of literacy and I don't mean just reading. There is also the problem that a lot of inner city neighborhoods don't even have grocery stores and have to rely on corner stores for their groceries. A lot of these corner stores don't even have beans. There are just so many obstacles that…
That's actually pretty true, though. The education about fitness and nutrition in inner cities is zero. They probably know nothing about the actual benefit from exercise and activity. Sure, they probably know that exercise is good for them but that is about it and they don't have after school activities or community…
These are not options that are available in most inner city neighborhoods, though. Many inner city neighborhoods only have corner stores as a choice for groceries with no real grocery store available for miles and miles. It also takes a lot of education and with such limited education resources already there are just…
Childhood obesity in the middle class is a parenting problem in poverty stricken areas it goes much, much deeper than that. It's institutional, it's neglect from society, it's so much more.