Richard Gadsden

Is it just me that thinks that Rhaegal and Viserion are going to meet up with Drogon on the way to Vaes Dothrak.

Yeah, Lady was killed by Ned with Ice in S1, Gray Wolf died at the Red Wedding and now Shaggydog.

Aye, that's a fair point.

Jupiter missiles - they were on a USAF base in Turkey and President Kennedy ordered them to be returned to the United States. Publicly, this was nothing to do with the Cuban Missile Crisis, but the Politburo (as revealed when their archives were opened under Yeltsin) was infomed it was a quid pro quo.

Article 9 of the ECHR is pretty awesome too.

For a country with seven neighbours, that's a remarkably low bar.

The US took the nuclear weapons away again. In 1963.

They could have used the "more beautiful than your mother" scene with Sansa to remind us who Cat was.