Does this mean we finally get some more gun control, now? Boy, I hope so.
Does this mean we finally get some more gun control, now? Boy, I hope so.
If I was giving advice, I’d suggest you be wary of saving sympathy for corporations in general.
Are we suppose to have sympathy for a company that leaves profit that they could make by actually meeting demand on the table and instead launches legal action against their most devoted customers?
Wow. So black woman pays to have two tickets upgraded, and when it comes time to move a person out, the leave the non-paying white woman in first class.
As someone who gave living in West Virginia a try (I’m originally from California, lived in WV for about two years, then moved back to CA) there were some good points to this article, but I think you really underplay the role of racism/sexism in Donald Trump’s election there. When I was living in WV, I routinely heard…
This kind of shit is why I immediately mute every single human being on voice chat in any online multiplayer game.
You may already know this, but in addition to allowing the muting of all voice chat channels, “Overwatch” has a built-in profanity filter. Certainly, some people will try to get around it, but in my experience, this hardly ever happens. Additionally, the EU servers are apparently exceptionally quiet, so you could play…
Ah, border patrol.
When we travel internationally, we stopped packing shampoo, soap, and conditioner. We dont travel often, so when we do it is a 2 week trip. The little bottles can run out by then, and if you are Air BNB’ing the soap isnt always there to fall back on.
Hey, get down off that cross, we need the wood!
Remember kids: Never take more than you can handle, and always know your dealer.
Obvious troll is obvious.
You sound like a fucking blast to be around...
Whatever, grandma. Prohibition ended decades ago.
actually, no he didn’t cut anybody off. That was stop and go rush hour traffic, and he was just trying to get over to make the exit in time.
Seemed like the cop was letting him in, then shut the door just to be a dick. Dude (Toyota) was also using blinker. Don’t really see what he did wrong.
Because nothing says “We’re here to serve and protect the community” like a police car you can’t see.
I dunno, that cop has no business pulling him over. At the very least the cop should have let him change lanes.