  1. Are you the tallest player on your team?

Why would you not wash? I don’t get it. It’s fun, man. The poof. The soap. Fucking fun in there.

After seeing so many people say they don’t wash their legs. But, really, y’all motherfuckers need Jesus. And soap. Lots of soap.

Who ARE you people?

This is mind blowing.


Well good then! And I’m all in favour of spearfishing. It looks way more badass than using a gun in my books.

He did guest star on friends while they were together

“Also, I was trying to get our entire team to follow Kap’s protest and would have except our chickenshit QB thought it would be bad for his advertising value to say anything of interest about anything controversial.”

In response, the NCGOP has released an official statement:

One of Young’s comments on the game was, “The objective is to move the ball down the field. That’s the only way to score points.”

It’s all so kind and optimistic. I want to go into local government because of that show (I also wanted to go into federal government when I watched The West Wing, so like...I’m easily convinced)

Coconut milk FTW!

Still sad Parks & Rec is over.

So apparently every Cardinals fan used to write for Grantland.

What percentage of the people honoring Joe Paterno at that game have spent the last week being mad online about Colin Kaepernick?

I like his style, here is me winning a gold in Rio.
