
Yeah, was probably a gut reaction from me is all. I got a year and a half into college before I realized that I was absolutely not where I had to be, and thankfully I’m in a position where I can salvage most of the credits from that. A lot of people don’t get that chance, unfortunately.

Agreed, but I sort of resent “screw around” as the phrasing there. We as a society are forcing immature humans to make choices that will influence the rest of their lives before they’re even old enough to vote. If my kid took a year to change majors, I’d much prefer it to them being pressed into something they’ll hate

Very true!

I don’t want to say this but i’m going to anyway, religious people are the absolute worst people.

This is exactly the article I needed right now to stay on top of my efforts to eat well and be more active (I refuse to call it a “diet” because that means there’s a specific plan in place other than just wanting to be overall healthier). I actually might cry, yes homo. Thank you so much for this clear picture of ups

Hahaha, was there a sleeping dog you had to keep from waking up too?

Two or three puffs on a joint will not alter your lungs at all in terms working out. It's the cheeps way, no equipt. needed. If you like it, then you can persue othe methods. I don't like the idea of edibles. Strength is iffy. plus there's the munchies aspect, and it takes a long time to take effect.

There are small vaporizors you can buy, I believe. One hit or two out of a pipe is probably not going to have any effect on your lungs. I would advise against edibles; they're usually pretty strong and, since they're really designed for medical use, aren't very fun (they would probably just knock you out for a couple

Absolutely. Look into getting a tincture.

Honestly, your best bet is to smoke it, because vaporizing is much better for your lungs but expensive, especially if you are not sure you're going to like it. I would recommend using a bubbler (

Find a friend with a vaporizer. Or just smoke it; marijuana is not particularly bad for the lungs, especially when smoked irregularly. But avoid edibles at all cost; it's very easy to take too much and have a very unpleasant experience(though it won't harm you physically.) As an anecdote, I smoke heavily(3 to 4

oh, well, Smoke up, son!

Outdoors while high is amazing. I like staring at the stars anyway, and weed makes it all so much better. My husband doesn't enjoy it quite as much because he gets more paranoid than me. So does my dog...My friend blew a big hit in the dog's face once, and she was paranoid as hell...I know it's terrible, but I

Do try an edible with a controlled amount (best bet is higher end packaging with clearly marked levels in milligrams). To mitigate unpredictable and perceptually alarming effects, make a note of the level per unit and start with a tiny amount (maybe 1/8 of the recommended dose). Do this on an empty stomach. Wait 30-60

Ask all of your questions at Herbal Nation (google it - it's on Bothell-Everett Highway, not far from I405). They tend to be pretty good about walking people through various choices.

If you do eat it, no matter where it came from, just have a small bit (if it's a cookie, have no more than 1/4 of the cookie), wait 4 hours before having any more. It may hit you faster or slower, harder or lighter, but if you take it slow you will know how powerful it is and how you will react to it. Ingesting it

Why not eat it? It's only bad when you eat too much, which is a common newb mistake (guilty!! And yeah, I got really sick, but not scary sick). When you eat it, the effects could take a couple hours to kick in, and then it lasts for several hours. When you smoke, vap, etc the effects are almost immediate and don't

I live in WA state too, and what DRRM says is true: the dispensaries will be able to match you with the right edible for your needs. Don't be shy, those people love their jobs and love talking about the various strains/doses/effects, etc.

eating it as a first foray into trying weed is not a good idea, I've used weed for 35 years and have never enjoyed the feeling I got when I ate it, I'd suggest finding a friend who is very well experienced with it, as someone to help you, if you live in a state where it's legal, there is likely a vaporizer room

If I may, I also recommend having some funny cartoons or something queued up to watch. Lots of snacks (salty and crunchy are a staple for me and my smoke buddies, as is chocolaty/sweet stuff), lots of water in case of cotton mouth (soda is like heaven if you enjoy soda), and a place to just lay back and relax. Outside