
I have tried every kind of alternative ventilation that was offered to me throughout my life, including the chest respirator, the Thompson ventilator, the Emerson Wrap, the PLV-100 and the Trilogy Bi-pap. None of them worked for me. The chest respirator did not fit my body. The Emerson Wrap cut off circulation in my

Great article. There are modern extrathoracic negative pressure ventilators that are comparatively small and unobtrusive. They’re phenomenally expensive to use and service, but luckily we don’t live in some kind of crazy dystopia in which only the fortunate and wealthy have access to modern medical technology and

Eek, that’s what I took issue with. Everything explodes! Lens-flares galore! It’s not just dialogue—it’s Dialogue, delivered with Appropriate Grandiosity.

Nothing about this says Star Trek , Ugly uniforms , Everyone wears the delta ? ugly ship {they blow up the interesting one } Bridge windows , lens flare ,Klingons that care about their dead bodies? {IT DID NOT HAVE TO BE KLINGONS USE A DIFFERENT RACE } , connect to Spock why ?

Looks cool, but I don’t know why they had to change the Klingons.

Meh. More exploration and discovery and less explodey things.

Oh lord spare us.

The jokes on you, they know your license plate number, etc...

Yes... As someone who, when a young lad, worked cleaning such messes... this stuff also makes one wonder as to the outrage at “the lazy cleaning staff” from most folks - Hey guys - they are the ones constantly cleaning this mass up - not making it - Trust me, they are madder about it than you!