
Ok first off. This game is incredible. I havent been able to put it down. It definitely isn’t trash and I highly reccomend it to anyone who wants an awesome hack and slash game on the switch. We should be encouraging people to buy new games that are fun. I had a fantastic time playing this game. But this is your

Well the week before the johto patch there was the valentines update. Lots of chanseys were popping around along with lickitung clefairys and jigglypuffs. Unfortunatley i didnt catch enough to get me a blissey

HAHAHAHHA im in toronto as well and youre right. Its absolutely ridiculous

Now playing

Made a video sharing my thoughts on the Switch presentation if you want to check it out guys :D

Added a little spice to the image.

I hope so too

I actually know the girl from the vid. From what she told me when she went they just played and had fun :) We both have youtube channels and collab all the time. She is a super talented artist… check out her stuff :)