
I think all lives matter, black white, yellow or brown. But I will say this, There is a huge difference between when an innocent black man is shot by a police officer and when someone up to no good getting shot. The Brown incident is a great example. Did Brown deserve to die, No. Did the officer over react, yes.

Anytime an unarmed and innocent black man is shot by a policeman or anyone else its a just as tragic as well.

Yep, this is not a black or a white thing. Even if rolls were reversed this is horrid. This is an example of the cracks that sometimes show in our modern society. How anyone could rationalize these actions in their mind is beyond me. Quite honestly these 4 people should never ever see the light of day again. Is goes

I am a someone that has hired probably 20 - 30 people in the last 5 years. #4 is by far the most important. People need to understand that they are selling themselves in an interview. Its a sales call. You have to do everything you can to protect your brand. If your want a solid career you need to control the

No you can do whatever you want in your personal life. The company does not care until it becomes public knowledge and it reflects poorly on the organization.

Only its not a crap shoot. I have hired over 20 people in the last 5 years and I can tell you that getting the job is more about attitude than anything else. I would hire a person with a positive attitude and a desire to learn more than someone that has good experience but comes across like a know it all or has a shit

I am a hiring manager and I can tell you that having 0 social media is not a bad thing. I search every candidate I interview so I second the article that social media posts can kill your chances.

You suggested that I was a moron. a.k.a a stupid person. Stupid people usually resort to name-calling when they can’t come up with an intelligent response during a conversation. So it is Ironic in every sense of the word.

Well, first off I am working on my doctorate so I don’t think many would consider me a moron. Those are statistics from the Government so I am not making anything up. I find it Ironic that you instantly jump to name calling because my point of view differs from your own. You see that is what is wrong with this country

Hey there is no doubt that Trump is a nut job and my point is not to be pro-republican. I think both parties are worthless. My larger point is that none of them, democrat or republican, are looking out for our best interest.

So Nancy Pelosi, who condemned the change well before Trump chimed in wanted her own Monopoly on Corruption? I mean she was on national TV all morning yesterday. Trump didn’t make is statement until several hours later.

You clearly have a very short memory then. Jump into a time machine and look at how each site reacted to Obamas victory. Same Shit Different day. Again, I don’t support either party but pretending that the Republican response is any different than the Democrats 8 years ago is just revisionist history.

Oh so its about special interest groups. I get it. So the 13.2% of black Americans, 3.8% of Americans that are gay/lesbian, 17.6% that are Hispanic, and 1% that are Muslim should dictate policy for everyone else. So your says that its ME the people and not WE the people. What you suggest is that 35% of people

Honestly this election is a cluster but democrats need to learn how to take bad news with some level of grace. I didn’t vote for either of these clowns but I am not loosing my shit like most liberals. I love reading most of the blogs on this site but the over the top Trump bashing is laughable. The man is not even in

Lets clear something up. 100% this guy was not born in florida. Every old fart down here is an ass clown from up north. They come down here and thing the entire state is here to serve them. Dollars to donuts he’s from New York or Boston. They all drive so shitty he probably didnt even realize he hit the guy.

So are you suggesting that the police have killed hundreds of thousands of people or are you calling into question his statistics? Becuase if your are even half suggesting that the police are more of a threat to American citizens than ISIS I will be happy to pay for your move over to Iraq.

actually its not. Winning the electoral college is winning. Add some sugar to your sour grapes and make some jam.

I had hear rumors of the pussification of America but never before has it been so clear over the last few days on this website. Grow the fuck up already. The world is not coming to an end. My god this country is full of a bunch of whiny brats. I didn’t want either one of them as my president but I am not curled up on

I could not have said it better myself. The most laughable of all is the stupid shit about california becoming it’s on country. You lose the election and now the liberals all want to take their toys and go home. So if Clinton had won should the entire middle america, most of the south, and a good part of the west

Honestly we should all just go home after work today and take a long shower and scrub ourselves clean. The stench of this election may never come off.