
my life is pretty easy at the moment, but i appreciate your sympathies nonetheless. again this post is a limited criticism of brooks’s column itself, which does not mention anything about clinton’s record, and merely says she needs to open up and be warmer, and i personally find that remarkable

Unless they’re fat. Fat kids need to go on a run.

Little smartphone bastard. Serves him right.

it may be limited to 2 to 3 mph but what happens when it autosummons into the roadway and you get clipped by a car at 35 mph. Stupid people make mistakes and it has already happened

Especially Houston, the sweaty asshole of the entire continent.

This is a hobby horse of mine. That reputation - of not being a competent president - is almost entirely propaganda nonsense generated by Lost Causers-people sympathetic and supportive of the Confederacy who have spent every second since Appomattox clouding the reasons for the war and slandering everyone in the North.

We’re grading on a curve.

When was the last time the Republican Party had responsible grownups?

Originally from and grew up in South Bend, so the hype around that school’s football program annoys the piss out of me.

here’s George Will—asshole fuckface clown George Will—sitting there with his thumb in his ass

I suggest that we ignore when people say “it’s my right!” as a rebuttal or justification of their actions, unless they are specifically arguing with a government that is trying to usurp those rights.

...we are loath to deeply criticize women for being superficial, or “fake,” or subservient to an arrangement they chose for themselves—as is, of course, their right.

Feel free to disagree. It does not mean that you’re right.

This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.

Many physicians and surgeons are glorified decision trees who execute a rote set of operations prescribed in textbooks / literature. This execution requires precision, expertise, and ability, but it does not necessarily require inductive reasoning or critical thinking.

Nah, he sounds exactly like Kevin Costner. His voice is Kevin Costner’s voice.

Ben Carson had me wondering if brain surgery was actually all that hard.

Maybe you noticed, the president is not running for president.

I don't know whether the Rolling Stone article is true or not, but I have learned that you, Anna Merlan, are an insufferable douchebag.