Nooicin' Your Nooice

Not to take away from Sims’ anger in the slightest: all of it is warranted and well put. But I wish Ryan Bizzarro had done it instead, just so the headline would readState Capitol Figuratively & Literally Bizzarro’s World.”

First, the sincerity: Very true about Jose.

Sorry, the card says “Moops.”

I’d counter with the post-Shaq 2005 Lakers, a side that petered out far more humiliated in their ‘04 defeat from Detroit. This Warrior team bears an eerie resemblance, with the caveat that Kobe was well past the Young Phenom stage of his career in ‘05.

Forgive me: “psycho fans”

Remember when Whaaaaaaaaammmm broke up?”

Let’s put this in terms you can understand. Cantona karate kicking someone in the stands, this is not.

Were this a preseason game, I’d still disagree with you and your 29 sycophants.

Right now, I’m the sigh emoji.

So wishing the other guy was Isaiah Thomas right now...

Based on the “paste” he’s now set to eat, he’ll later be in the middle of a dumb shit.

And a key contributor to a Finals participant.

Hold on: Sarajevo. Sacramento. Sargeant York! Wow, that’s weird.

+1 list I have here in my pocket of damn stars you’re worthy of

Agreed, though he’s still a whisker short of Baxter the cheese wheel eating dog.

Take your damn star; star your damn take.

Right now, as the web developers sport 10-month-old beards and play ping pong on a lunch break that ended 20 minutes ago, I am reading your comment and nodding boisterously in the corner of our converted office, which - in turn - prompted me to ask (all joking aside): are you an under-appreciated SEO consultant at a

Jim “This Team is Going Out of Business” Fassel.