
It’s a major U.S. business. Maybe it’s not making steel or building computers, but it is a billion-dollar industry so when it takes part in prima facie fuckery, it should get at least some scrutiny.

SiriusXM - they will send you a nonstop barrage of emails and mail begging you to sign up for their shitty service for 6-12 months. They will also work hard to prevent you from canceling service as well. 

The only order I need on the interstate is you moving to the right.

Its weird that the lambo driver is facing homicide charges for this, the red ferrari was also WAY in the wrong here; they killed themselves as far as I am concerned.

i’m sure you already know it, but you also just explained how police unions work.

Once again, guns are for pussies

Honestly, if the body and frame are in good condition, I’d go with a nice price on this example. $60k is a lot, and there will likely be tens of thousands more to do in the next years, but if you have the money and want a mild project, you could go a lot worse than this lovely E Type.

I’ve spent enough time in churches to NEVER vote for a pastor for anything. Never a more wrenched hive of scum and villainy, “washed in the blood of Jesus”, of course.

This is the answer. Also do away with the police unions. Police aren’t laborers and don’t produce anything, so they don’t need a union. The unions only serve to protect dirty cops.

Some people just need to get beat up once in a while to give their Narcissisms a check. Though I am glad it ended peacefully.

Before anyone starts quoting self defense and “stand your ground” laws, these examples are all straight up murder. There isn’t even a debate over it. The perpetrators are going to prison, where they belong.

That’s one way to demonstrate you failed to read the whole article.

So you’re deliberately making it more difficult for yourself? Interesting.

So this now out of reach?

I took a look at the headline and the first exterior shots and at first I was like:

Today I learned Jalopnik is just packed full of people who love cars but hated high school or hate people? The number of “Why would anyone even want to go to a reunion and see high school people? that sounds terrible!!!” comments is impressive

California did something that made sense? No Way!  Somebody file a lawsuit or this kind of thing could run rampant.

The trooper couldn’t engage the Corvette in a pursuit due to the C8’s high speed. Instead, the trooper sent out a BOLO, or Be On The Lookout alert, for dispatch to report to other local law enforcement agencies.

You ARE a woman in the Very Deep South. In my experience, you need to call your HUSBAND first or nobody will talk to you except the Sheriff, who will refer you to his cousin’s BBQ shack, something something chainsaw. 

Fuck Texas. Fuck cops. Fuck that Jeep guy. Charges should be more serious than a misdemeanor. He could have killed the cyclist. No, you don’t fucking joke around like that.