Pac-Man I'm Jewish

the retirement of offensive lineman Richie Incognito

I wonder what Richie’s brother thinks of all this.

yeah, I’m surprised Rondo is still in the league too

“That’s a team that could win 7 games, easy.”

You obviously don’t have the necessary grit to be a Brown. I’ve never once seen a homeless man vouch for you.

“Drew Has Got a Boner” syncs better to Dude Looks Like a Lady than it does to Janie’s Got a Gun.

I think watching that gave me a membership to bass pro

What in the name of high school football is that fucking shit?

“Sure, but he’s not capable of elite Quarterback bonerage” - Nick Foles

Hes gonna miss a field goal in the NFC Championship

Since Trump is only concerned with how things affect him personally, here’s Trump’s Final Four

The “jets” probably just a tag indicating he would take a jet to wherever he ended up signing. “Jets” if there was a layover.

Drew like that!? Drew like that!?

Friar? I barely knew her!

2019 is just an eyeball screaming into the void.

He looked on, knowing full well that a long night of flagellation lay ahead.

Well, yes. Every good gun control advocate knows about the “well regulated militia.” That’s where we get our argument from.

“I guess that was the short program,” Tessa said, watching the smoke rise from the end of her cigarette.


Barry, you prude, you’re acting like you’ve never stuffed a platonic friend’s muff in your face then transitioned her into a hurricarana in the name of competition before.