
Find me on Twitter and we can feud about it.

Just saw Adams live. An incredible show. Just electric and amazing. I heard a Strokes song once. That was more than enough. Either way, social media tends to bring out the worst in people.

Oh I agree his performance is fine. I've always really liked Jason Patric. It just seems like he's hardly in it.

Does anyone else feel like Jason Patric spent about three days filming all of his scenes? Sometimes, like most of tonight's episode, I forget he's even in the show, much less the lead.

I'm happy to reside in the minority. I love this show. It is hilarious and moves at breakneck speed. I have had a blast with it so far. No sitcom makes me laugh this hard or consistently that's for sure. I don't expect it to actually be scary. The cast is game and great, it's funny as hell, and overall each episode

Great trailer song!

The reviewer treats this show as if it's The Wire. It's so over-analyzed. And so what if the laughs are fleeting and belly laughs are absent? 22 minutes of enjoyment should be more than enough for a show like this.