I almost clicked nice price without even reading the article till I passed the picture with the slushbox handle inbetween the seats. I would have told work I was feeling sick and flown up to Wisconsin today with a cashiers check if it was a manual.
I almost clicked nice price without even reading the article till I passed the picture with the slushbox handle inbetween the seats. I would have told work I was feeling sick and flown up to Wisconsin today with a cashiers check if it was a manual.
“Every bolt, every screw [has been replaced]. There is nothing left of the original car.”
The Yugo of Theseus
Note to self - Skip any future Jalopnik articles that ask a question since the content will go towards creating a bullshit slide show, not an article.
All these years and I finally get my first QOTD! Unfortunately it feels sullied that it's in the slideshow era, but I'll take it.
In this market you can sell them both!
ugh, where’s The Blues Brothers (1980)? They even set the most cars wrecked in a movie record.
It says Garage 54, that IS the warning.
Every time I see one of these 75-79 Sevilles, I am consistently struck with how timeless the design is. It simply doesn’t look like a 45 year old car.
Herb Tarlek was a great character and he was perfect in the role. He was primarily a sleazy salesman clown, sure, but every now and then the story would call for Tarlek to be self-aware or even wallow in pathos and Bonner would bring it... He was a much better actor than you might expect.
It took a lot longer to send someone a pic of your genitals back then
I started with a mighty 126 camera. Used to bring my film to the corner drugstore, where they’d ship it out and you’d wait several days to get your prints, many of them terrible.
You are looking to find “LeDaytona” if you can find still working links of the old post. But it was done :)
Better yet, get one of the pickups and one of the open trailers to use for sight-seeing.
They had to make money from the licensing rights since they never took anything from the people they helped.
Also most British cars of the era: 104bhp and 140 mph speedo...
Not exactly a light car, but fairly light for that much power and the probably decent amount of torque that went with it. Maybe not fast for today, but definitely quick for ‘83
1/2 scale would make it 53 c.i.d. You have to cube the scale, so it’s 1/8 the displacement.
“Start Slideshow” = “Reduce window to half screen width. Refresh if you care about the pictures.”