
No iPhone news, no iMac news, no Apple TV news, ... I was really expecting at least "one more thing".


Will there be an Apple Monitor with the new super-high-res display of the new Retina Macbook Pro, that you can plug into this thing? And if so, how much would the total cost of the system be?

Screw Halflife 3, I'm still waiting for the promised Half-Life 2: Episode 3!

One is private money (and I assume Gizmodo isn't a shareholder), and one is public money (and I assume Gizmodo consists of tax-payers). So yeah, there is some rationale there.

Yup. I really did want to like it. And I can't believe how crappy it turned out to be.

What part about analogies don't you get.

You "feel" wrong. I just wanted decent story-telling. Not characters who act in wild contradictions solely to serve plot points (like those two guys so spooked by a dead body that they ran away, and then inexplicably (and unrealisticly) get lost and trapped there, only to treat a sudden appearance of a threatening

Sorry, but no. If the emphasis on themes causes the story, plot, and storytelling to all go to hell, you're doing it wrong.

The look was great. The story was awful.

In that case, the storytelling is even worse, and there are even more and bigger plot holes.

Yes the worm was involved. There were worms in the dirt, the goo got into them, and became the "worm form" thing that attacked the two "lost" guys.

I KNOW that. I'm talking about the WORM FORM that it took on after it got the worms in the dirt... the "cute kitten" that the idiot tried to pet.

I like that: Phantom Menace meets Mission to Mars. That sums it up quite nicely.

The implication is that this biological weapon grows and adapts in order to kill its targets, and in the process takes on aspects of its targets. So what you have is a very early unevolved "xenomorph", which started with the worm form, then picked up tenticles somehow, and egg laying from being pregnated in the

That comment is full of win.

The more I think about this movie the more I mean it.

It WAS ambigious. Or at least really obtuse. The way you explain it makes sense, but that explanation was NEVER in the movie, and seems ridiculous to assume viewers would draw. His motivations for killing Holloway were NEVER clear (though the reason for choosing him was... more out of pique or spite than anything).

Even reading this "justification" of the movie, I still can't get over what a bitter disappointment it was, and just how really BAD it was. Plot, characters, motivations... all utter crap. Visuals? Pretty cool.

The criticisms are NOT "too nitpicky" and this is NOT a good movie. Oh, it's well crafted visually and technically, but the script is horrid, the story-telling is awful, and the characters are awful.